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It was never about me or him or us. It was like they expected me to be able to define something that could never seem to have a definition that gave it justice. They say love is a lot of things but love is everything. That's what it was about. It was about our everything. 

It's these kind of foolish and ignorant loves that make life all the better. The kind of love where your life is them and breathing doesn't seem to matter as much as it's supposed to when you're looking into their eyes. This was the kind of love where you stayed up late in the back of a truck looking out at the stars, or the kind where you hold hands in the elevator with small smiles on your face playing those slow cliche love songs you once thought were all about heartbreak but realized were all about the memories. It was the kind of love where you went on road trips with messy hair and bright eyes, throwing fast food bags in the back seat not minding the mess because you're too busy singing the song as loud as you can with them. Laughing and having a good time. When you call your mom telling her, He's a keeper mom, and she'll ask you what about him makes him so good because she knows you've been hurt and she's worried but you'll just smile and think of him and you'll whisper, It's everything.

Love is not something that could just be defined. Love was not simple. Love could not be described in words. Love was everything. Everything you feel and see and do. That's love. It's not about you or them or me or him or anyone. It's the expericences, the feelings, the memories, the excitement.  

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