Chapter 7- Punishment

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Cassandra startled; it had never occurred to her that someone else might be stuck down here too.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"My name's Liam. Don't worry, you'll be left alone if you obey the rules," came his voice. It was a beautiful lilting noise, that would have sounded like a lullaby if it hadn't been so hoarse.

Somehow Cassandra was able to find comfort in the fact that she wasn't alone. The harsh darkness could be endured so much easier if someone shared its burden.

Cassandra talked with the voice belonging to Liam for a half hour. He told her how the Queen's guards had stormed into his house and torn him from his family in the small hours of night. Apparently he had stolen goods from the Sector E market, in order to feed his younger sister. Cassandra winced. Echo had such strict laws about stealing thanks to the Queen and Cassandra could hardly imagine what Liam must have gone through.

As time went on, Cassandra found herself liking the strange boy more and more. He had an air of honesty and loyalty that was impossible to ignore. Eventually though, Liam's voice drifted off into the dark and light snores filled the air instead.

Left alone with her thoughts, Cassandra turned to the walls of her prison and searched for means of escape. Not a single stone would budge when Cassandra tried to loosen it. On top of that, her wrist barely fit through the door's bars, let alone an entire arm.

Cassandra let out a sigh and sunk against the wall in defeat. There was no way she would be able to escape back home to her mother, who was no doubt sick with worry. Cassandra hadn't even said goodbye.

Worries and doubts clouded Cassandra's consciousness, making it impossible to think. The rest of her life would be spent in this horribly damp cage like an animal.

Suddenly light streaked through the open door to illuminate all that Cassandra hadn't seen mere moments ago. Queen Pandora's henchmen stood in the doorway and made their way to where Cassandra sat slumped against the wall.

An instant dislike bloomed towards the two guards who had brought her to this miserable place. If it hadn't been for them, Cassandra would still be with her mother at home.

"You're being taken for questioning," Carl barked.

The cell door opened and Cassandra felt ropes slip around both of her wrists.

"Move it," grumbled Frank.

Cassandra awkwardly shuffled up the stairs and down the hallway to where an empty room sat waiting. As soon as she entered, the guards pushed her face first against the wall and started questioning.

"What were you doing with those Mirrors?" asked one of the guards from behind her.

Feeling brave, Cassandra replied, "I'm not sure, maybe you should take me back to my house and refresh my memory."

One. A stinging pain lashed out on her unprotected back.

"Any more smart answers and you'll regret it."

More rage filled Cassandra's body. Who were these people that thought she would comply to their every order?

"I'll ask again; what were you doing with the Mirrors?"

"I'll tell you again; take me home and then you'll get your answers.

Two. Fire spread across Cassandra's back as the whip was brought down once more. She ground her teeth, determined to stay strong.

"Last chance to answer the question," growled Carl.

"I want out of this stinking palace!" Cassandra retorted.

Three. Cassandra couldn't stop herself from gasping in pain after the third laceration joined the previous two. Blood had already started seeping from her wounds.

"I think that's enough for today," Frank said.

So with eyes stinging, Cassandra let herself be led back to her cell and fell asleep without a fight.

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