Chapter 16- Frost

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Five days later.

Through some combination of luck and stealth, Cassandra and Liam had managed to avoid any more run-ins with the Queen. After wandering into the outskirts of Sector C, they had learned two things- they were still very much wanted criminals and they had been walking in the right direction.

The weather was getting cooler each day, transitioning into the season of winter. Days were short and sunlight was limited. When they woke up, often times frost was clinging to the scene around them.

Cassandra shivered. Today had been particularly cold. Without a warm jacket or blanket, it was increasingly easy for the frigid weather to sink into her bones. Whenever she exhaled, her breath hung crystallized in the air before fading away.

It won't be long before it really starts to snow. If this rate keeps up, we're going to freeze to death.

Snow had already fallen briefly once before, but the daylight hours melted it all. Cassandra had never experienced a winter away from the safety of her home. Usually the brunt of the awful weather was unnoticeable while curling up by the fireplace. This year however, was much different. Constantly being outside with no shelter other than the trees around them was taking it's toll.

A particularly fierce wind whipped through the forest. "Liam, we need to get some warmer jackets. I'm freezing."

"Where can we get them? Every Sector has seen our faces all over the news, if we show up anywhere we'll be arrested," he reminded her.

"There's got to be a way in. If we slip in under the cover of darkness, there's no way anybody'll recognize us. We need to get warmer things before we die in this weather." Cassandra nestled further into her robe for extra warmth.

Liam nodded slowly, piecing together what she had just said. "Hopefully that will work, we just can't get caught."

"We'll probably make it to Sector A by sunset, it's the closest from here. From there all we have to do is wait and find an unoccupied house. It shouldn't be that hard," Cassandra assured.

As they got closer to Sector A, the temperature began to plummet. The tips of Cassandra's fingers were beginning to turn a reddish colour and a pins and needles sensation had begun. She hoped that the sun would set soon so they could get warm.

Finally, the clear blue sky melted into golden hues and then again into a navy velvet. Crystal stars shone brightly scattered across it's surface.

Twigs kept snapping beneath Cassandra's feet despite her efforts to stay silent. The asphalt streets of the upper class were deserted, curfew having gone in effect over an hour ago. Never before had Cassandra actually felt grateful for Queen Panodra's paranoia.

At first Cassandra was startled by the elegance of the houses in Sector A. She had never been there in person before, only been told stories of when her mother had gone to beg.

Each house was twice the size of Cassandra's old home in Sector C. Leading up to each one was a gravel pathway framed with small scrubs. On top of the roofs were actual shingles instead of plywood boards. The doors were made of a sturdy oak and weren't splintering or falling apart.

"None of them look deserted," Liam whispered.

Looking up and down the rows of houses, Cassandra couldn't help but agree that he was right. All the houses were impeccable with perfectly manicured lawns and polished doorways. She highly doubted that any of the owners knew how privileged they were, either.

Only one stood out from the others. Weeds were growing tall around the house itself, the door looked weathered and shingles were falling of the roof.

Cassandra pointed in its direction. "What about that one?"

Liam took in the faded look of the house. When he was satisfied he gave her a small nod and beckoned for her to start moving.

Sticking to the shadows, Cassandra crept along the street. Now that she was out of the forest, staying silent was a lot easier. She approached the house and put her hand on the cool brass handle, slowly pulling it downwards. Much to her surprise, the door swung open, granting them access inside.

From the entryway sat a cozy living room, piled with all sorts of warm items. Cassandra snatched up the thickest blankets she could find and put them under her arm. Meanwhile, Liam had found the closet and was raising it's winter jackets.

"Who's out there? Show yourself!" A voice that Cassandra didn't recognize crashed through the halls.

Crap! Maybe this house isn't so deserted after all.

Liam was already tearing past her, so she followed suit. Neither of them needed to speak to communicate that they needed to get out, and fast. Luckily the owner hadn't spotted them so Queen Pandora would have no way of knowing their exact location.

Once she was safely hidden in the forest, Cassandra stopped to catch her breath, watching it crystallize before her eyes. She pulled the blankets out from under her arm and tossed one to Liam. In return, he gave her a fancy fur coat that he had grabbed before making his getaway.

Cassandra sighed. "That was a close one."

"Yeah, but now the frost's going to be the least of our worries. If the person in that house manages to tell the authorities, I'll bet the Queen will piece everything together."

Cassandra's heart sunk. They were going to have a long week ahead of them.

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