Chapter 12- Excursion

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Cassandra let the heat from the fire warm her freezing limbs. After the storm last night, she hadn't been able to cease her shivering.

A sudden gust of wind whipped through the campsite, knotting Cassandra's hair more than it already was. She pulled her fingers through the tangled locks with no improvement. If her mother had been there, she would have pulled a worn silver brush through Cassandra's hair until it behaved.

A pang of longing swept through Cassandra's heart. In the excitement of freedom and escape, she hadn't thought much of what had been left behind. Now however, constant reminders of home and of her mother made Cassandra want to curl up and cry.

I wonder what she's thinking right now- is she worried? Scared? Does she even know why I'm gone?

Cassandra let out a sigh and stood up to help Liam finish off the last of their fruit. The selection was extremely limited but as Cassandra got hungrier, she cared less and less.

When they had finished morning meal, Cassandra and Liam discussed their plan of action. What they needed was to sneak back into a Sector and use somebody's Mirror. Cassandra told him all about how to Portal just in case they got separated.

It seemed that Sector C would be best for traveling to since it was closest. Cassandra rejoiced inside when Liam had suggested this and hope at seeing her mother bloomed once more.

"Do you hear that?" Liam asked.

Cassandra strained her ears so she could hear what he was talking about. She couldn't hear anything except the soft buzzing of insects going about their lives and leaves rustling gently in the wind. She listened harder. Now the muted sound of hoofbeats was faintly audible. Slowly, it grew louder and louder.

"Who could that be?" Worry tinged Cassandra's voice as she prayed that Queen Pandora hadn't caught up to them.

"I don't know, but I think we should leave. Whoever they are, we're wanted criminals now," Liam replied.

The harsh reality of those words sunk in. Cassandra hadn't ever thought of how being a criminal would effect everything else. How could they ever live normal lives afterwards? Was the Other side their only shot at normalcy?

Leaving behind the supplies they no longer had, Cassandra and Liam ran through the forest. White spruce needles blurred together, creating a dark green quilt around them. Twigs snapped beneath their feet as they passed through the undergrowth.

No matter how far they ran, the sound of hooves got louder. Cassandra guessed the horses were just minutes away from overtaking her and Liam.

She looked over to Liam. "We're not going to make it. Whoever's on those horses will catch up to us in a few minutes."

Liam nodded his understanding but kept running. Even if they both knew that they'd be caught, neither wanted to give up easily.

Cassandra and Liam ran until five horses swiftly overtook them and blocked their path. Looking back, Cassandra saw another five horses block any chance of escape. They were surrounded.

On top of the horses, men yelled at her and Liam to stay put. Cassandra planted her feet on the ground with her head held high. She could be taken but it wouldn't be without a struggle.

Suddenly, the men bowed their heads and fell silent. Cassandra looked to see what had happened. From behind them, the horses opened up, creating a small gap. Through that opening walked somebody Cassandra never thought she'd see.

Queen Pandora.

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