Chapter 13- Twisted

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"Lower your heads," the Queen snapped.

Cassandra was about to refuse when an invisible force bowed her head. She tried to look up but her neck seemed to be paralyzed.

Queen Pandora laughed mockingly. "I see you've noticed my 'powers'. They only seem to work in close range but they're useful nonetheless. Slightly harder to escape now, isn't it?"

Unfortunately, the Queen was right. Any chances at running away seemed to be growing slimmer by the second. Cassandra let out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm glad you can agree. Now, I'm afraid the two of you are going to be arrested once again. You see, we can't have common criminals scurrying around all over the place." A soft wind blew the stiff golden material of Queen Pandora's dress. Embroidered on the fabric were pearlescent stars that glimmered in the sun. Her dark hair fell in long, lose waves down her shoulders and back.

Why did the Queen come in person to take us? Cassandra wondered. That surely wasn't normal protocol.

"Ah, I've simply grown weary of you two brats running away. If you want things done right, do them yourself." All of a sudden, the transparent weight was gone and Cassandra's head snapped back to its original position.

Queen Pandora flickered a grin at Cassandra as their gazes met. Did she just read my mind? I swear, I was thinking of that just a second before she started talking.

With a final wink, Queen Pandora swept away and ordered for tents to be set up so they could stay overnight. Cassandra watched as the twisted ruler re-saddled her horse and rode off into the distance, claiming that she had business to attend to.

Cassandra knew she had to snag a moment alone with Liam but guards were constantly getting in the way. She was constantly being pushed around and told what to do, much to her annoyance.

As night fell upon the world beneath, the guards grew weary and were obviously looking for a chance to retire in their tents. Cassandra knew that if she planned on talking to Liam alone, she would have to wait until the guards fell asleep.

Cassandra watched as Liam was pulled into the tent farthest down the line and was shut inside. A guard strolled up to Cassandra and dragged her into another tent on the opposite end. It was obvious the Queen wanted them separated, but Cassandra was determined to see Liam nonetheless.

Grey daylight faded into soft hues of red and orange, painting beautiful pictures in the sky. Only when stars began to twinkle in the dark velvet sky did Cassandra deem it safe enough to visit Liam.

Feeling around for the tent flap, Cassandra grasped her fingers around the edge of the fabric and pulled back her arm. Dirt crunched softly beneath her bare feet, making small noises as she moved. About halfway down the row of tents, Cassandra startled as she bumped into something solid and warm.

"Cass? Is that you?" Relief flooded through Cassandra's body as she recognized Liam's voice. There was still hope to escape.

Liam gestured back to the way she had just come from. Cassandra understood and made the cautious journey back to her tent. Luckily, none of the guards had woken up and it appeared they didn't decide to assign a night watch.

Having crawled back through the flap of the tent, Cassandra settled on the nest of blankets she had made for herself. Whispers floated through the air to form magnificent plans of escape and triumph. However, Cassandra knew that none of those schemes could be executed well.

"Simple is probably best." Cassandra looked at Liam's expression to gauge if he agreed or not. His head bobbed up and down slowly.

In the end, they decided upon a signal that meant to run as fast as they could away from the Queen's camp. If either of them were to do this, they'd both have to get away from camp no matter the cost.

Before either of them could be caught, Liam unfolded the flap and ducked out into the starry night. Cassandra waited until dawn peeked through the clouds before she dared to leave. Once the sun was risen, she stepped out.

Immediately, she was cornered by a foul smelling guard with Queen Pandora standing close behind. "Did you really think we wouldn't find out about your late night excursions, miss?"

Cassandra's eyes widened in alarm and she frantically searched for Liam. The moment she made eye contact, he was already raising his arm in signal.

Tearing through the bushes once more, Cassandra let her feet glide over the terrain. Behind her, guards were yelling in all the commotion.

"Stop! We have your mother! If you don't come back here, she'll be shot," Queen Pandora screeched.

Cassandra's feet came thudding to a halt and she tumbled into the bushes, caught off balance from the shock.

Was that the business she had to take care of? Does the Queen really have my mother? Cassandra thought desperately.

She hoped against hope that the answer was no, because if it wasn't, they were in huge trouble

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