First Day of Senior Year

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Ava's picture (either seen above or at the side)

Ava's picture (either seen above or at the side)

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Ava's outfit^

"Ava! Come on, sweetheart, you gotta wake up! Time to get ready for school!"

I groaned into my pillow as my uncle screamed from outside my door. I wish my room was sound proof.

"Ava!" Uncle Dave started pounding on the door with his fists. Even though, he has access to my room, he always respect my privacy. "AVA!"

I jumped as his voice boomed through the house, or should I say penthouse. "I'm up! Gawd..."

He chuckled, "breakfast is ready, I made your favorite."

I bolted upright, "blueberry waffles?"

"Yep!" He said as I hear him walking away from my door, " so you better hurry up and get ready or I'll just give it to Racer."

I jumped out of bed and did my morning routine and was dressed within 15 minutes. It's a good thing I was able to do all of that without hurting myself in the process. Once I was ready, I walked to where my phone lay on my desk and called Maria, our maid.

"Hello?" She greeted.

"Good morning, Maria! I was wondering if you could come and fix my hair. I'm sorry for bothering."

"Oh stop with that nonsense, young lady. You barely ask for anything, I'll be there in a few minutes."

I smiled listening to her soothing voice, "Okay, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Maria said, happily before I hung up.

I shook my head smiling at her cheerfulness, I was just about to put my phone down when I got a feeling like something was heading towards my door when it suddenly burst open.

I knew it was Maria due to the sound of how she walks. I don't know how to explain it but I can listen to how my uncle and Maria walks, and be able to tell the difference.

I smiled, "hey Maria."

"I can never get over how you are able to do that," she sighs as she goes behind me and starts fixing up my hair. From what I'm guessing, she clipped up half of my hair and curled the other half and left it to rest along my back to my hips. I love my long hair. I would only trim it once every six months to keep it maintained since I'm unable to see if I have split ends or not.

When she was done, she rests her hand on my shoulder, "do you want me to apply your makeup?"

I rolled my eyes, then smiled, "since when have I ever cared about make up?"

"Oh come on, I know you are naturally beautiful but I just want to see you with makeup once in a while." She pleaded.

I thought about it, then sighed, "okay but don't cake my face or I swear..."

"Yes yes yes, dear, I know." She cut in, "you'll turn into Godzilla's wife."

I laughed, "whatever, let's just get this over with. I want to go eat some breakfast before Uncle Dave gives it to Racer."

She laughs, "well, that sounds exactly like him."

She starts applying my makeup as I sat there silently with my eyes closed. "Mary?"


"Why don't you ever tell him how you feel?"

She pauses for a moment in shock, then continues, "I-I don't know what you mean, dear."

I smiled slightly, "come on, I may be blind but I can practically feel the chemistry between you and my uncle from miles away."

She was quiet for a moment, then laughs softly, "well, I guess it's pretty obvious about how I feel if you're able to tell."

"Well, I honestly wouldn't mind if you two were to date. No one's ever old to date and I believe you would both make a great couple."

"Okay, all done," she says as I hear her step back, "and thank you, that means a lot coming from you."

She kisses me on my forehead, "but I'm just not sure if he truly feels the same way. Anyways, you should get going because I'm pretty sure half of your breakfast is in Racer's stomach by now."

My eyes widened, momentarily forgetting about our conversation as I quickly ran out the room, shouting "thank you" towards her as I headed straight towards the kitchen.

I skidded to a stop as I was about a foot away from the table. I could hear my uncle sipping his coffee as he stood somewhere near the counter.

"Sometimes I wonder how you are able to run without hitting or tripping over anything," he says, amused.

I smiled towards where I heard his voice, "well, you taught me well for years, uncle. Remember when I walked into everything in my path?"

He laughed, "yes, and I also remember you throwing the chair out the window in frustration."

I shrugged, smirking, "I guess I got your temper."

He scoffed as I sat down and started eating breakfast, "my temper?? More like your mother's. I swear I think your father was the sane one."

"Hey," I protested as I threw my waffle at him, "that's my mother you're insulting."

He laughed, although it was slightly muffled, like his mouth was full. My eyebrows narrowed at his direction, "are you eating my waffle?"

"Yes, since you kindly threw it at me, I took the liberty of catching it and not letting a perfectly delicious waffle go to waste."

I shook my head, laughing at my uncle's words. Now I wish I didn't throw my waffle at him.

"Come on, I gotta drop you to school before you get late."

I rolled my eyes, "it's not like the school is gonna die if I was late to class."

"Get your butt to the car or I'll drag you there myself."

I glared at his direction for a moment, "I sometimes wonder if you are really an adult or an actual 14 year old."

"Well if you must know, I'm an adult with a young mind."

I walked out the kitchen, "clearly, considering you just stuck out your tongue like an idiot."

He paused, then laughed, "well, I guess your senses are sharp, huh?"

"No," I called back to him, "I just know how childish you are." I laughed as I went to the elevator and entered it, waiting until he was inside so I can let the doors slide close.

When we reach the lobby, we exited the elevator and head straight out to the car, and started for school.

"Enjoy your day and don't get into trouble K?" He said as he pulled in front of my school. "Oh and here, don't forget your glasses." I took the ray bans from his hands and wore it before thanking him and got out of the car. I heard him drive away as I headed up the steps of Southern High. This is the first day of senior year so hopefully it would go by fast with no one causing any shit. Here goes..

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