Shut Up and Dance With Me

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Other than the annoying presence of Ryder King, the day went by uneventfully. Now it's after school and I'm just waiting for my car to arrive. That's one of the things I wish I had my sights for: to be able to drive myself anywhere I want to go. For once, I want to be able to feel the air breeze through my hair, whipping it around as I drive to any destination. I want to feel that sense of freedom, to know that I can ride away any doubt or darkness I feel.

Honk! Honk!

"Ava, sweetheart," Uncle Dave shouted out in a fake, high pitched voice, "I'm here!"

I laughed, shaking my head as I walked to where I heard his voice. Once I managed to get into the car and buckled myself in, I took off my ray bans and placed it in the middle console. "Why are you late?"

"I had a meeting that took longer than I expected."

I just nodded and we stayed silent. It was a comfortable silence, the kind where you don't want to ruin it with small talk. The music was playing in the background, low and soothing so it wasn't surprising when I started nodding off. I didn't know I fell asleep until I felt my body jarring slightly. My senses sharpened and easily figured out that my uncle was carrying me to my room. I can smell his familiar Calvin Klein cologne and how familiar it feels for him to carry me. This isn't the first time he's had to carry me to my room but he didn't mind since I was like the daughter he never had but always wanted. I tried to open my mouth to tell him to put me down but it's like something was weighing me down, making me realize just how exhausted I am. I felt myself being placed on something soft and fluffy, a blanket being tucked around me and that's when I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to music playing and guessed it to be in the living room. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. "Time." I demanded.

"It is 9:36pm." A female voice said in a monotone voice.

I shook my head to chase away any sleepiness that I still felt and got up. I easily walked into my bathroom and freshened up. When I was done, I walked out of my room, down the hall, took a right, walked about seven feet and turned left into the living room. I can hear two people laughing and recognized it as Mary and Uncle Dave. I smiled as I realized that they must be dancing, I could hear their foot pattern as they dance along to the music. This is another time I wished I could see, I have always wanted to catch such beautiful moments and cherish it as a beautiful memory but I'm once again reminded of the cruel darkness that I am sadly used to waking up to.

The song slowly came to an end and I started clapping with a genuine smile still plastered onto my face.

Mary gasped in surprise while I could hear my uncle shuffle to face my way. I knew he knew I was there. After all, he was the one who taught me how to depend on my senses so of course even he would rely on his sense of hearing.

Most people who are blind depend on their sense of hearing, smell and touch but I guess for me, hearing is the most important one. I am able to tell if someone is walking up  to the front door while I'm in the living room but that's only if I concentrate. It's overwhelming in the beginning but you learn to get used to it. Another good thing about it is that I can easily hear if people is talking about me or trying to sneak up on me. I don't care much about what people say about me but I would like to know if they plan to do something stupid that involves me.

"You're finally awake," Uncle Dave said as he lowered the volume of the stereo.

"Well who wouldn't wake up to all the stomping and giggling." I teasingly grinned.

"I beg your pardon? It's called dancing, not stomping, my poor uneducated niece," he joked, pretending to be offended.

I shrugged, "I don't know... It sounds like Mary is the only one dancing whole you're stomping around like a lost ape."

Mary giggled and I heard rushed footsteps and I immediately ran away from it, concentrating on the sounds and echoes to help me go around the room without difficulty. "Get over here, you little rat."

I laughed as I bumped into the couch but immediately jumped over and ran to the other side of the room. I can hear Uncle Dave running towards me but suddenly I heard a crash, a glass breaking and a thud. I tilted my head in confusion, "Uncle Dave?"

Mary burst out laughing and I heard him groan in pain. "Fùck, that shìt hurt..."

"What happened?"

Mary, still laughing, said, "he tried... to run but he tripped..."

She was still laughing that it was hard for her to catch her breath so she couldn't continue her explanation but it's okay because I already knew what happened.

He must've hit the table near the couch and made the vase on it crash to the floor. I'm guessing he tried to catch it but he was already falling onto the floor.

Amusement filled me and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

I heard him getting up slowly, grunting, "yeah, yeah, laugh it up. That vase was damn expensive."

I managed to hold in my laugh, "I'm pretty sure you can easily replace it."

"But that was a rare vase that actually looked beautiful," he whined.

Mary managed to compose herself, "that vase was no where near beautiful. If anything, you did me a favor by breaking it so I don't have to look at it."

"It wasn't that bad..."


I suddenly heard my favorite song come up, "Ooh! Turn up the volume!"

Someone turned it up and we started singing along with it.

Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you're holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said shut up and dance with me

I twirled around as I dance along to the song. I felt Uncle Dave grab my hands and started swaying us exaggeratingly to the beat, making me burst out in laughter. Then I felt Mary go behind me, put her hands over mine so it looks like all of us three are positioned to dance the tango. We were all laughing as we danced and sang along.

At this moment, it made me glad to have them both in my life. I may have lost my parents but to me, Uncle Dave and Mary were like my second parents. They took care of me and loved me when they didn't have to. I'll forever be thankful to have them. I love them so much that I would give up my life for them.

We danced the evening away until we got tired and decided to call it a night. I went to sleep feeling light and happy with a smile on my face.


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