Do Whatever It Takes

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Nearly a week had passed and there was still no sign of her. Other than seeing her being taken by a hooded man from the school, there was no sign of her anywhere. Ramiro was used to hiding so finding him was definitely difficult.


I looked up to see Mary looking at me with concerned, tired eyes. I held out my arms and she came over, sitting on my lap. "I swear to everything I believe in that I will kill that man. Nothing will stop me."

She stroked my face as she laid her head against my shoulder. "I know you will but you can't do that if you don't take care of yourself. You haven't been getting much sleep."

I sighed, frustrated. "I can't sleep knowing she's out there with that man. Only God knows what she's going through. I just hope I find her in time."

"You will." Mary grabbed my face and forced me to look at her. "I believe that you will. Nothing will stop you from finding our little girl. I know you'd do whatever you have to to find her. So stop thinking like that."

I stayed silent before nodding, lifting her up to her feet. "Yeah, you're right. I forgot that I do have one more angle to work with."

Mary looked at me a bit confused. "What angle?"

"The Underground."

Mary's eyes flashed with surprise before disappearing. "Xyrus..."

I nodded. "Yeah, he still owes me a favor or more like, a couple of them, really."

"Normally I wouldn't let you get involved with them again but..."

"But we need to find her." I finished.

She nodded, her eyes determined. "Well, it's been years but let's give him a call and annoy him to death until he becomes desperate enough to complete the task of finding Ava as soon as possible."

For the first time in the past week, a small smile formed on my lips. The Underground was an illegal Hitman organization that was founded by Mary's little brother, Xyrus Dolton. They had a little falling out a few years back and she hasn't spoken to him since. Lord knows how many times he'd try to talk to her but she wasn't having it. Not until he apologized. Of course, his pride was too big for him to bow down, which brought them to this situation.

I glanced down at her. "You're gonna call him or me?"

She raised a brow at me. "Of course, it's me. That stupid little shit still hasn't apologized for nearly shooting me years ago just because I scratched his precious little bike."

I sighed, scratching the back of my head. "Well, to be fair, you did steal-"

She glared at me and I quickly backed off. "Okay, okay, just saying. Don't bite my head off."

She shook her head, taking out her cell, muttering. "Men and their damn babies. I might as well castrate all the men in my life and see which they'll find more important."

I winced, feeling a chill down below. Jeez, this is why I don't piss her off.

"Hey, Grace. This is Mary, could you put Xyrus on?" Mary asked kindly.

It took a few seconds until a voice boomed through the phone. "What the hell do you want?!"

Mary brought the phone away from her ear and stared at it for a second of two before taking a deep breath.


I bit my tongue, trying my best not to laugh, knowing that Xyrus on the other side was trying his best to calm his sister down.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! I AM CALM! I'M AS CALM AS A SLEEPING NEWBORN BABY SO DON'T TELL ME TO FU-" Mary stopped in the middle of what she was saying and took a deep breath before speaking in a low, threatening tone. "What. Did. You. Call me?"

I quickly stepped out of the room, knowing she was way passed pissed off. I grabbed her purse on the kitchen counter along with my keys and phone. I was about to check on her when she walked out of my room with a peeved expression.

"Let's go. I'm going to kill him. First I'm going to castrate him, skin him and then kill him." She walked straight to the elevator and furiously jabbed at the button.

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded, following after her. I so don't want to anger her and become the second victim to her punishments. I like my jewels, thank you very much.

It didn't take long for us to get my car and drive downtown. In less than 20 minutes, we pulled in front of an eight-story building. I haven't completely stopped when Mary jumped out, furiously walking towards the glass doors.

I groaned, banging my head against the steering wheel before quickly jumping out and tossing the keys to the valet. I rushed after her just to see her turn a corner. "Shit. Mary! Wait!"

I bolted after her before she could cause a scene but I was a little too late.


I cursed as I caught up to her. "Mary, just calm-"

"Don't you start with me, David. Knowing him, he's hiding his cowardly ass and I don't have the time nor the patience to play hide and seek." She spat out before walking a few steps away, stopping in front of a door that said CEO OF DOLTON INC., XYRUS DOLTON.

She tried to push the door open but it was locked. She chuckled and a chill went down my spine. "Oh little brother, you truly know what to do to truly piss me off."

She turned to me and pointed to the door knob. "Break it or I swear I will do it myself and trust me, you won't want that."

I quickly went to one of the open offices to grab a chair before walking back to the door. It didn't  long before the door swung open and she strutted in.

Before I could step in, a desperate voice screamed out. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! I SAID- AH, SHIT THAT HURT!"

I walked in to see a tall, broad-shouldered man with blonde hair, cupping his face.

Right when I stepped in, his eyes, which were glaring at Mary shifted to me. I grinned and waved. "Hey, man."

"Aww damn, are you serious? I knew it. You need something, don't you?" Xyrus whined.

Mary raised her hand again and I quickly pulled her away. "I need you to find Ava. She was kidnapped."

Xyrus narrowed his brows. "What? Cute little Ace? That's who you're talking about, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she was taken a week ago by a man named Ramiro."

"Why the fuck did you come to me a week later?!" Xyrus sat down in front of his laptop and quickly typed up something before motioning us over. "Where was the last place she was seen?"

"Her school. I already checked the footage from Wren but-"

"Okay, no offense but you guys aren't exactly good at doing this type of thing so hold up." Xyrus said, holding up his hand to cut me off.

I raised a brow and looked at Mary, who just rolled her eyes. I grinned. It's rare to see her act like this but it's amusing when she does.

"Okay, I got it. She was taken in a blue Civic, which was last seen entering a warehouse about three miles from here."

"What? How do you know that?" I quickly looked and tried to understand how he got it.

He waved me away. "We don't have time for me to run you through a lesson. We gotta go now because from what I'm seeing, she doesn't have much time left."

A/N: I swear I couldn't stop laughing at myself when I typed this up because I felt like I gave Mary and Dave a personality disorder or something. Goodness God. Who knew trying to type up from an adult's point of view would be so draining (even though I practically made them look childish) 😂 Whatever, I had fun writing it for once😋

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