An Idiot Can't Seem to Shut Up

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Holy shiz! I did not realize over a week has passed. Sorry for the very late update, this month is just so damn crazy. It don't freaken feel like summer😒 anywho, ENJOY! 😊


I walked into class and walked straight to my desk. I can feel someone staring at me, "Is there something on my face, Ryder?"

He chuckled, "No, you are just so beautiful, I had to stare."

I shook my head, smiling. "It's too early to deal with your idiocy, so please stop now."

He gasped, "I just complimented you and in return you insult me?  Wow. Thanks, A."

I laughed and slapped him on the arm.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" He grumbled.

I shrugged, "It's my way of giving you a compliment. You should be happy, I don't do that to many people."

"Oh I'm sorry!" He said sarcastically. "I didn't know being slapped makes me special to you."

I grinned, "Well, now you know."

I think he rolled his eyes at me but what do I know. I'm blind.

The day dragged by, I swear it felt like five years has passed when really it was just a few minutes. I know it's a major exaggeration but my gawd, it was now 10 minutes into my last class and I already want to fall asleep. I have asked this a million times and I still haven't heard a reasonable answer. What idiot thought that being stuck in school, also known as hell, for nearly 7 hours is good for the minds of the people?

I sighed in frustration and banged my head against the table.

"Am I boring you, Ms. Winters?"

I picked up my head towards the teacher's voice, "No sir, listening about formulas that I will never use at all in my life is absolute fun. Please continue."

Chuckles and giggles filled the classroom, even the teacher couldn't help but laugh. "Well, you never know. You might become a scientist or a chemist one day."

I snorted, "Yeah, you're totally right, sir. People would totally hire a blind person to handle extremely hazardous chemicals that could possibly kill not just myself but everyone else within close range."

The teacher sighed, exasperated, "Ms. Winters, just pay attention. It's just Pre-calculus."

If I wasn't using my ray bans, I'm pretty sure he would've seen me roll my eyes. Right, just pre-calculus. How do we even become a chemist by learning this stupid subject? It's honestly not that hard, it's just so damn boring.

By the time class ended, I jumped out of my seat to get out of the class when a hand clamped onto my shoulder. I was about to grab onto the hand when a voice caught my attention.

"You look like you're about to be chased by hell hounds," Ryder said amused.

"Well, can you blame me? I swear I wanted to bang my head against the table to knock myself out."

He walked me out the classroom as he chuckled, "It's not that bad."

"Ha, right, I've never hated a subject as much as I hate that one. I don't even know why I'm sticking to that stupid class," I scowled.

"Suck it up, princess," he ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand away.

"So where are you heading to?"

"I'm heading to the library. I'm just going to wait for my ride."

"Why don't I give you a ride since I don't got anything else to do?"

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