T-Swift Concert!

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It's another quiet day in the Avengers tower, but two of the Avengers are about to practically burst of excitement! Tonight is the concert of the year for them! Thor and Clint start to get ready for the concert, and it's only 9 in the morning. They begin to create their banner, which says "We Love You Taylor!" and will have her face on it several times. We can leave them to that...

Tony and Bruce are in the lab, trying to create a concoction that allows Bruce to control the Hulk and when he comes out.

"Okay, so here's what we're going to do. In order to find a way to stop it, we must find out what activates it in the first place. I know it is anger, but there must be an element of anger that activates it. So we are going to run some tests," Tony explains. He leads Bruce to a chair that looks like one you would sit in at the dentist. He makes the chair lean a little bit and places wires and scientific things all over his face. Tony spends the whole morning running tests on Bruce, trying to find an answer to his problem.

Bucky, Sam and Nat? Lord knows what they're doing.

And Steve is STILL trying to figure out his smartphone.

Later that night, Clint drives the car that leads him and Thor to the place of their dreams. They roll up their sign and stride up to the arena decked out in Taylor Swift gear. They're 6 hours early, so Thor wanders around, trying to find food. He picks up a pizza and they eat it in line to the concert. The food is long gone before the doors open, and when they finally do, the boys almost dash inside. After going through all the security checks, they hurry to find their seats. When they do, they immediately sit down and wait for the show to start. There is a couple teenage girls behind them giggling and they turn around.

"We're just here for our... Daughters..." Clint lies, trying to hide his T-Swift clothes. Finally the lights go dim and Thor and Clint jump to their feet. They dance and jam to every song, and finally it's nearing the end of the concert.

"Tonight, I'd like to bring up someone that has become very special to me. Tom, come here," she says, waving him over. The boys are completely shocked when they see Loki trod onto the stage. She hugs him and kisses him for... A little longer than necessary... But he reminds her that she's on stage.

"That... That's Loki!" Clint screeches, pulling an arrow from his quiver. Security rushes over and grabs him before he can do anything.

"He's my ride," Thor mutters. "I LOVE YOU TAYLOR!"



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