Author's Note

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Hello all, 

It has been quite some time since this book was updated, and for that I would like to apologize. I am afraid that I am out of ideas and don't know where else to take this book. I have heavily enjoyed writing it as it was one of my more humorous and fun works. Having the ability to write about some of my favorite cinematic characters at my discretion has been such a privilege and I have had so much fun doing it. I sincerely apologize for having to end this book, but I just have no direction or purpose for it anymore. If you as fans would like to submit ideas for me to write chapters about, I may reconsider ending this book, but otherwise, there will be one more chapter as the finale. Thank you for all your dedication and reading. I never thought the day would come when one of my books would get 2,000 reads, and for that I am immensely grateful. Thank you for everything. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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