Day at the Beach!

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The Avengers have been temporarily placed in San Diego, California for a mission that is completely classified to any peasant that does not belong the the Avengers. Let's just say, there's a threat and a group to save them all. Their mission has finally been completed, and everyone just wants to have fun.

So? Day at the beach!

Tony and Steve grab surfboards and challenge each other to a contest. Steve goes first, having three chances to prove himself as a surfer. The first time he completely flips off the board and actually gets points for being so bad at surfing. The second time isn't too shabby, catching a wave and crashing as a larger one approaches. But the third time he does excellent, adding some flips and catching waves left and right.

"Beat that, Stark," Steve smirks, paddling towards shore. Tony has a shocked look on his face and he hurried towards the waves, speechless. Steve rests on his surfboard, soaking in the cold water as he watches Tony.

I mean, I thought I was good at surfing, but not THAT good. I might owe this man $50!

Every time, Tony flips out and Steve starts to laugh to the point of crying. When Tony paddles back, Steve is crying and can't breathe as Tony walks away angrily, covered in seaweed. "Where's my money?" Steve cries, clapping his hands as Tony slams a 50 dollar bill in his hand.

Nat and Bruce- OH DEAR GOD, GET A ROOM!

Sam, Vision, Clint, Bucky and Wanda (Scarlet Witch) gently toss a frisbee around, waiting for Thor to set up a makeshift volleyball net. They try different tricks and mostly end up catching it with one hand. Finally, Thor finishes and Steve and Tony join the group for a game of beach volleyball. "Bruce, Nat, please stop making out and play volleyball with us!" Clint pleads, making a pouty face.

"Fine," she mutters, shoving past Bruce and over to their court. "But don't we need 12 for two teams?"

All of a sudden, a strange-shaped ship flies towards the peaceful beach and all the Avengers prepare for a battle. But what comes out is totally unexpected.

The Guardians of the Galaxy appear, all in swimsuits and beach attire. "Can we play?"


A/N Hopefully this chapter was a little longer, BUT HOLY CRAP 800 READS, THIS IS INSANE! I didn't think I would get that many on one book! Thank you so much!!! I love you guys!!!!

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