wanna hangout?

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It had been a whole week since Ashton went out to dinner with Calum, Michael, and Luke, and much to his surprise, it had also been a whole week since Ashton had heard his neighbor's muffled moans and banging bed against his bedroom wall, making Ashton rethink his neighbor's whole "asshole" personality. ''Maybe he was just having a few bad days...' Ashton thought to himself as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside. He softly shut his door and immediately kicked off his black vans and pushed next to the door with his foot. He shuffled across the living room into his bedroom and let out a loud and annoyed groan, completely dismissing the idea of his neighbor having a "few" bad days. His small bedroom was pretty much shaking. The loud thumping noises were haunting the curly haired man, and he was starting to get irritated. All the university student wanted to do was go home after a long day of classes, change into his pajamas, heat up some leftover chicken and potatoes that Mary and Jason, the lovely newlywed couple who lived across from him let him take home from having dinner with them last night, and log onto his Netflix account and finish the last season of Grey's Anatomy before having a nice, peaceful slumber. That's all Ashton was asking for. It wasn't that much, right? Ashton let out a frustrated huff and decided that he could still do all those things, save for the peaceful slumber, but he could still accomplish most of his goals for the rest of the day. He changed into a pair of sweats and a loose muscle shirt, using all the self control he has in his body to not knock on his wall and tell his neighbor to please, shut the fuck up. He left his bedroom to go into the kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief because if he closed his bedroom door he could just barely, barely, hear the thumping on the wall, and that was good enough for him.

Ashton took the chicken and potatoes out of the fridge and popped the plate in the microwave for a few minutes. He checked his phone and scrolled down his Instagram feed, smiling at the pictures Calum and Michael had posted of themselves on their 6th date since they met a little more than a week ago. He was truly happy for his best friend finding someone to love, but he couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy because he also wanted to take cute and silly pictures with someone and show them off to his friends and family on social media. His brain immediately thought of Luke. The curly haired man hadn't heard from the blond since their dinner, and he was starting to think that his suggestion of 'hanging out sometime' was just an empty, friendly gesture. He sighed sadly, and mentally scolded himself about getting to attached to a guy whose last name he doesn't even know. His thoughts were interrupted by the microwave signaling that his food was ready. He took his food out and made his way to his living room couch and turned his small TV on. He logged onto his Netflix account and started up the last season of Grey's before leaning back to rest comfortably against the cheap couch he found at a garage sale (he thoroughly cleaned it though, of course). He began to eat and indulge himself in his favorite TV show.

Ashton was about to start the fifth episode when he heard his phone ding, notifying him that he had gotten a text. He dug into the gaps between his couch cushions before he finally fished the small device out to check who sent him a message.

From: Unknown Number
Hey Ashton! It's Luke. I know it's a short notice but I was wondering if u wanted to hangout 2nite?

Ashton's heart immediately fluttered. He heard his neighbor's door slam shut signaling another finished shag and rolled his eyes. He checked the time and saw that it was already 9:30 pm. He contemplated for a few minutes on whether he should go out or not, and decided that it was okay if he did since he didn't have classes until the afternoon the next day. He saved Luke's number before shooting him back a quick text.

To: Luke
Sure. Where should we meet?

His reply was almost instantaneous.

From: Luke
Sweet. There's a cool bar that just opened right next to the pizza parlor we were at last week if you're up for some drinks. We can meet in like half an hour? If not then we can always find something else to do next time

My Annoying Neighbor (l.h. + a.i.) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ