the big reveal

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Ashton had no idea how to feel when he saw Luke scan a card to get into his apartment building's parking garage. His apartment building's parking garage. He also didn't know how to feel when he saw that the blond had backed his car into space 504, meaning he was room 504, meaning that he lived next to room 503, meaning that he was Ashton's asshole of a neighbor. Ashton looked at Luke warily and the blond shot him a happy smile, not noticing Ashton's alarmed expression. They both got out of the car and Ashton followed Luke to the elevator. The hazel eyed man tried his best to make excuses for the blond, because shit, Ashton was really, truly starting to develop feelings for this dude. 'No one follows the rule of parking in their own space anyways. I sure as hell don't' he thought to himself and calmed down until he saw that the taller man press the '5' button in the elevator. That's when Ashton started to freak out.

"Uh, did you press the wrong button?" Ashton asked, becoming a bit frightened. Luke gave him a weird look and shook his head no much to the hazel eyed man's dismay.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit nervous." Luke laughed, trying to lighten Ashton's mood. The elevator stopped and the doors opened to Ashton's hallways. The hazel eyed man felt like he was about to pass out. Luke pulled his arm to follow him and before Ashton knew it, he was standing in front of the same door that he saw the poor blond woman screaming at.

"Oh my god." Ashton whispered, realizing what was happening to him. Luke looked at him from behind his shoulder and unlocked the door, walking in and motioning Ashton to come inside as well.

"No." Ashton said bluntly causing the blond to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" The blond asked, leaning against his doorframe and Ashton angrily shook his head.

"No, I refuse." The hazel eyed man repeated. "I refuse to be just a one night fuck for you." Ashton had started to get angry and the blond man looked incredibly confused.

"What the hell? What are you talking about?" He asked, clearly not understanding the situation at all.

"You're the asshole neighbor that I hear having sex every day!" Ashton finally let out and Luke was quiet, trying to process what the smaller man had told him. Then the blond widened his blue eyes and gasped.

"You're... my new neighbor?" Luke breathed out softly and Ashton nodded furiously.

"Yeah, your 'awkward' and 'anti-social' neighbor." The hazel eyed man glared, emphasizing what Luke told him at the café. The blond glared back.

"Well you called me an asshole."

"I wouldn't have called you an asshole if you weren't having unnecessarily loud sex every morning, afternoon, or night." Ashton retorted, rolling his eyes at the blond.

"Unnecessarily loud? Sex is sex Ashton." Luke stated, but their not-so-quiet conversation was interrupted by their neighbor's door opening and an old lady's head peeking out worriedly. The two looked at their floor neighbor and back at each other before apologizing.

"Sorry Mrs. Peyton, we'll be more quiet." They said in unison. The old lady smiled warmly and nodded before closing her door. Luke looked at Ashton before he grabbed the brunet's arm and pulled him inside of his apartment and shutting the door behind them loudly.

"Is it like, physically impossible for you to shut your front door softly?" Ashton questioned sassily and Luke ignored him.

"I just don't see what the big deal is. I have sex. So what?" Luke sat down on his couch and Ashton crossed his arms in front of him.

"Fine, you have sex." Ashton started. "But if you having sex takes away from my sleepy-time, and all around me-time, then can you like, not?"

"Oh my god, we were just supposed to hangout today. I wasn't trying to start an argument with my petty neighbor." Luke groaned, slumping back into his couch causing Ashton to narrow his eyes at the blond.

"Petty neighbor? Well, asshole, I'm just gonna go. I'm not trying to be one of your annoying one night stands." And with that, he stomped out of Luke's apartment, slamming the door behind him causing the blond to flinch. Then, he heard Ashton unlock the door next to his and slam it shut just as loud. Luke sighed frustratedly and buried his head in his hands, trying to figure out how to get Ashton to not be angry at him.

The first thing Ashton did when he got home from the short walk from Luke's home was take his phone out and call Calum. He took a seat on his couch, waiting for the raven haired man to pick up, and once he did, he let everything out.

"Calum, Luke is my fucking neighbor. You know, the neighbor that I can hear having sex? That neighbor. I literally just found out." Ashton explained and he heard Calum hum in response.

"Yeah, that's what I was gonna tell you before you had to leave for class." Calum started and Ashton sighed, running his fingers through his messy curls. "I found out because Mikey was asking where you moved to and he said Luke lived there too, and we just found out. How'd you find out?"

Ashton shut his eyes tightly, and disappointment washed throughout his whole body. "He invited me over, Cal." He let out a sad laugh and continued, "What if I was just gonna be another meaningless shag to him?" Ashton was mad. Mad at Luke, but also mad at himself for thinking that he actually had another chance of falling in love. He heard Calum's sigh through the line and he could already see the raven haired man's guilty expression.

"I'm sorry, mate. I don't know what to tell you. He seemed like he really liked you. Michael thought so too." Calum told his the hazel eyed man who shrugged in response, forgetting that his best friend couldn't see him.

"I don't know, Cal. I'll just talk to you later. See you tomorrow." Ashton declared and hung up when he heard the raven haired man's soft "see you tomorrow, mate."

Ashton finally got up from his couch and walked into his room. It was silent. The brunet didn't know how to feel knowing that the gorgeous blue eyed man was just on the other side of the wall. He decided to ignore the depressed feeling in his body and just head to bed early since it was so quiet right now. He didn't know what to expect anymore, and he really wanted to be asleep just in case he didn't have to hear Luke decided to shag some random person tonight as he usually does every night.

Ayyyy chapter 5!! So they know now. How exciting **coughnotrllyjessyousuckcough** Well anyways I hoped ya'll liked it and make sure to vote this chapter and leave me some cool comments (: Much love
-jessica xx

My Annoying Neighbor (l.h. + a.i.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now