the apology

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Luke hadn't talked to or even seen Ashton in a few days. He decided that he would put an end to his daily intercourse the day he found out Ashton was his neighbor because a) Ashton was mad at him for it, and b) the blond had become infatuated with the man with gorgeous hazel eyes and the cutest dimpled smile so he didn't want Ashton to think he was some sort of man-whore. Luke sighed, hearing Ashton's door shut quietly and light footsteps retreat down the hall, probably on his way to class. The blond thought for a second before finally taking his phone out and dialing his best friend's number.

"Yo, Puke Hemmings." Michael greeted after the first ring. Luke rolled his eyes and asked himself why they were best friends in the first place.

"What's up smurf shit head?" Luke smirked, knowing that his best friend hated unnecessary insults towards his hair.

"It's actually green now, just for your information." Michael stated and Luke let out a snort.

"So grass head?" Luke smiled and he heard Michael give him a sarcastic laugh through the line.

"Well Calum happens to like my grass hair." Michael boasted, as if it were the best thing in the world, which it was to him.

"Sure, okay." Luke started. "Now speaking of Calum, does he happen to know how Ashton is? I haven't spoken to him in like—"

"In like 5 days. Yeah, Calum was explaining the whole situation to me." Michael cut him off. "You wanna go get coffee with us? Cal and I. We can all talk about it."

The blond said yes and Michael told him to meet them at the café close to the university in an hour. The one that he and Ashton hung out at a few days ago. They hung up and Luke got up to take a quick shower. After he got out of his bathroom, he walked into his closet and put on a pair of black skinny jeans that had holes ripped on the knees and a plain black t-shirt. He walked back into his bathroom and dried his hair before slipping on his black lip ring. He walked back into his bedroom and threw on a snapback to hide his messy hair and left his apartment after deciding he looked fit enough to go out in public. He closed his door gently, remembering how mad Ashton was about him always slamming his door shut and made his way down the hall to the elevator and then to his car.

When Luke arrived to the café, he was a bit early and he got a table in the back corner of the café. He ordered himself a coffee and took his phone out to pass the time waiting for Michael and Calum. He had decided to check his Snapchat and look through the stories, automatically watching Ashton's first. There was a bunch of selfies of him and Calum in class earlier that day and a few selfies of himself looking like a huge nerd with all of the filters. Luke watched his story over and over again in admiration until he saw that a green haired man and raven haired man scooted into the seats across from him. He quickly locked his phone and put it into his pocket before the two could see what he was doing. He quickly greeted the couple and took a sip of his coffee.

"Stalking Ashton's Snapchat, eh?" Calum observed and Luke choked on his coffee causing the couple to laugh.

"N-no. That would be weird." Luke coughed out; hitting his chest forcefully and Calum gave him a sarcastic 'mm-hmm.'

"So you found out that Ash is your neighbor, yeah?" The brown eyed man finally brought up after ordering Michael and himself a cup of coffee and a muffin. Luke nodded furiously and Calum leaned back against his seat.

"You know how many times he complained about hearing you have sex? A fuck ton." The raven haired man said and Luke smiled sheepishly, rubbing his neck with his hand.

My Annoying Neighbor (l.h. + a.i.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now