he wouldn't

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"I can't believe you and Michael are moving into my old apartment." Ashton said as Calum unlocked the door to his new apartment which was Ashton's old one. Calum shrugged.

"It's cheaper than my house and Mikey's apartment, and it's also way nicer. It was a steal." Calum said before mentioning "You and Luke are moving out to your new house next week, so I won't have to worry about hearing you guys through the wall." Ashton helped Calum unpack a few boxes while waiting for Michael to bring up a few more boxes from his car.

"Where is Luke anyways?" Calum asked, folding his jeans and placing them in the drawer in his room. Ashton sat down on his best friend's white mattress that still needed to be covered with sheets.

"He said that he's out at the club with a few friends. One of their birthdays I guess." Ashton said "He'll be back soon though."

Michael walked into the bedroom and plopped a few more boxes labeled 'sheets n' shit' before jumping on the bed right next to Ashton, trying to catch his breath.

"The elevator broke down, so I had to walk up the stairs." Michael panted, sweat dripping from his forehead. Ashton grimaced and scooted away from the paler man causing Calum to laugh. After Michael finally caught his breath and three more trips to his car, they had finally gotten all the boxes into the apartment. While Ashton was helping Calum spread and tuck the sheets onto the mattress, he heard the muffled slam of his apartment door shut signaling that Luke was back.

"Does he always close the door that loud?" Calum asked, slipping a pillowcase over one of his pillows. Ashton nodded causing Calum to sigh overdramatically. After a few more tucks and straightening of the blankets, Ashton heard something that he thought he would never hear again.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

He paused what he was doing and looked at Calum who didn't seem to notice. He shook his head and continued smoothing out the bed sheets before he heard it again.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

This time he knew what he heard, and Calum heard it as well. Ashton looked at the wall that was currently 'Thump. Thump. Thump-ing' and let out a shaky breath.

"That's the sound I would hear when Luke was having his one night stands." Ashton whispered, feeling his heart drop. He felt his throat tighten with each thump he heard and looked at Calum who had a worried expression on his face.

"No-- he wouldn't." Calum told him "would he?" Ashton took a seat on the bed, refusing to believe that Luke would ever do this to him. He felt his eyes water up and he quickly blinked them away so Calum wouldn't notice.

"Guess we just have to go and find out, huh?" Ashton mumbled. He stood up and prepared himself for the worst. He pictured a drunk Luke in their bed with some random girl and his heart broke. He walked outside of Calum and Michael's apartment with Calum following him and walked the two feet it took to get to his and Luke's door. When he unlocked the door, the thumping noise stopped and Ashton looked at Calum who had a mix of worried and confused all over his face. When the two finally went to the closed bedroom door, Ashton braced himself as he turned the knob and pushed the door open. His hazel eyes widened and his mouth fell open. Tears began to form in his eyes as he saw Luke kneeling in front of him. Behind the blond on the wall was a large banner hammered onto the wall with four simple words:

'Will you marry me?'

"First of all, I lied. I wasn't out with my friends at the club, I was actually out picking up this ring." Luke said, pulling out a small velvet box from his back pocket and opening it to reveal a simple silver band "I know it's not much, but I couldn't wait until I saved up for something better because I wanted to do this now. But I swear once I get the money saved up, I'll get you something better than this because well, you deserve the best." Luke smiled at the brunet who was currently frozen in shock. He cleared his throat.

"When I first met you, I was kind of a man whore-- well not kind of, I was. But anyways, you changed me. I couldn't get you out of my head, and when I found out that I was you 'annoying asshole of a neighbor', I wanted to make sure that you would never think of me that way again. Why? Because I wanted to be with you. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Ashton, I love you and I'm always going to love you, so" Luke looked up at the brunet's watering eyes "will you marry me?"

Ashton looked down at Luke and then at Calum who was tearing up and then at Michael who appeared out of nowhere then back at Luke who still had a hopeful expression on his face. The brunet narrowed his eyebrows and wiped his tears away.

"You asshole! I heard thumping on the other side. I thought you were cheating on me." Ashton grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Luke chuckled and stood up to hug the brunette.

"I was just hammering the banner onto the wall. I would never do anything like that to you." Luke mumbled into Ashton's wavy hair. "You still need to answer my question." He pulled away and looked down at the brunet. Ashton planted a small kiss on the corner or Luke's mouth and smiled at him.

"Of course I'll marry you, asshole." Ashton told him, holding his out in front of him for Luke to slip the silver band on his finger. After the ring was secure on Ashton's finger the two shared a passionate kiss with cheering and whistling from Calum and Michael in the background. When the two separated, Luke buried his nose into Ashton's hair and inhaled deeply, his lavender and vanilla scent taking over his senses. He shut his eyes in content and hugged the brunet tighter, one arm over his shoulder and the other protectively around his waist.

"I love you." Luke breathed out, feeling Ashton's lips curve into a smile against his neck.

"I love you too, my annoying neighbor."

BOIII THAT ENDING WAS SO CHEESY IM ACTUALLY CRINGING AT MYSELF LOL. well that was the end. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, i know my writing still has a ton of room to improve, but hey, this is a start. I still need to edit the chapters and stuff, but that's something no one really cares about haha. ANYWAYS, thank again for reading this and make sure to vote this up, comment, or even share this story with others, or you don't have to. It's up to you. I enjoyed writing this, and I still have a lot of stories up my sleeve so make sure to follow me! (damn jessica you thirsty bitch calm down) If you haven't already, go check out my other story 'Let's Stay Professional' I plan on focusing on that story, but knowing my dumb ass I'll probably start another 4385 stories before i finish that one lmao. Okay I'll go now. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN, and as always, much love to you all (^:

-jessica xx  

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