ten; new toys

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It was really weird to wake up and know that for the first time in over four years, I was single. It was weird to wakeup and not have a "Good morning" message from Jack. Tom had left because he had to take care of his kids because Gisele was going on a trip to Brazil.

I wasn't going back to the news for a week, I had let Shana know of the situation, and she said she would have one of the afternoon anchors working in the morning, and she also let me know that Elena had been fired.

Tim was sleeping beside me, and I cuddled him as I pet his tiny, soft head while he purred loudly. The soothing sound was suddenly interrupted by a strong knock on the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and still saw the puffy cheeks and red eyes from last night's crying bash. I got up anyways to open the door even if I was in my sheer pajamas and had no makeup on.

I mentally slapped myself because I hadn't made an effort to purchase and install a peep hole. In absence of one, I had to open the door without having idea of who it was.

"Good morning, Sophie! My, sweetie why have you been crying?" A big person with muscular arms engulfed me in a hug.

"Rob? What are you doing here?" I smiled at him and let him in.

"Well, last time I came I left a note on the door, but I haven't heard from you since. Although Danny was quick to tell me about your split with Jack. What a jerk." He said, spatting his name as if it was poison.

"Let's not talk about Jack. He... I still can't believe he did that. I really saw a future with him, and I was genuinely excited to marry him and maybe have kids with him. We had talked about them."

"Sophie Blake wasn't my favorite name, you know." He said, giggling. I smiled at him as I brewed a mug of coffee for me and Rob.

"Well, I'm starting to really enjoy the fact that I'll still be Sophie Campbell for a little longer." I said in all honesty.

"Me too." He said, and I was confused.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, placing the sugar and creamers on the table.

"Well, you won't worry about a guy being upset over the fact you and me are friends."

"Jack had a problem with my friendship with Danny and Tom." I sighed, and that was the moment realization hit me; I wasn't always so happy because he never let me have male friends.

"Well, you're probably wondering why I bought this big stuffed bag," he said, placing his big blue bag on my table making it shake and I laughed.

"So here's what I brought you. I brought you a big bear, a box of coffee truffles, some K-Cups, and a set of lipsticks." He said, and I looked at him shocked.

"Why did you bring all this?" I asked, looking at all the things he brought.

"Well, when my sister broke up with a guy, she asked for these things and the next day she was over it because she said that having a brother who loved her and cared for her was way better than a boyfriend. So I want you to think the same way of me." he said, his eyes sparkling at the mention of his sister.

"Wow, thank you Rob, that's so sweet and thoughtful. How can I make this up to you?"

"You don't have to. Just stay my friend for a long time." He said, smiling.

"Okay, so I have to go to practice. Is it okay to leave- " he was interrupted by Tim's soft meows and Rob looked like a little kid who heard the ice cream truck.

"Tim! Baby, come here!" I said, and Tim obediently walked over to me, and I scooped him up to my chest.

"Is he your cat?" Rob said in awe.

"Yes, his name is Tim, you want to carry him?"

"Hell yes, I love kittens!" He said, taking baby Tim in his hands and Tim instantly started to purr. He also began to crawl up his sculpted chest covered by his t-shirt.

"Oh my gosh, can I live here with you so I can be Tim's dad?" He said, laughing. I couldn't help but blush hard.

"Be my guest!" I said. Tim jumped off Rob and ran back to my room.

"Awww he's the cutest cat I've seen!" He said, picking his now empty bag and swinging it over his shoulder.

"Well, see you later Sophie! Can I take you out to dinner on Sunday?" He asked.

"Sure. Where to?"

"It's a surprise!" He said, winking at me and shut the door.

That was interesting.


~Jimmy's POV~

Hearing that Sophie was back on the market made me ecstatic. Of course, this meant competition again with Rob and Tom and especially Danny, now that he too was single again, but I was determined to make her mine now.

Sophie had mentioned before that she was homesick and really missed her parents, so I was going to steal her heart by bringing her parents here to Boston from Texas.

I looked over her instagram account, but later realized that she still had the pictures of her and Jack. Her last publication was a picture of her and her kitten, captioned "Tim is the only man I'll ever need." She was the cutest thing ever.

I kept scrolling, pictures of her in the forest, others of her sitting in the anchors desk, and another picture of what seems to be her interviewing Taylor Swift. She looked so happy, and the publication after that one was a picture of her crying because she had just met Taylor, who was her all time favorite. I smiled at the fact she could be mine soon.

I then found a picture of her and a guy who looked just a little older than her, but he had the same facial structure as she did, same hair, same smile. Her brother. I clicked on his account, and his icon was a picture of him in a Garoppolo jersey. Bingo. I followed him, and sent him a Direct Message.

"Hey man, I'm Jimmy. By the looks of your account I can already see that you're a fan! I wanted to let you know that me and your sister are friends and I would love to have you and your family come over to one of our practice games! Let me know if you're interested!"

Right away, I received another message.


I smirked at his enthusiasm, knowing that I had instantly won over her brother.

I then proceeded to reserve hotel rooms, flights and other travel expenses, and was excited to bring her parents to her. They would arrive Saturday; two days from now.

I had to call her.

"Hello?" She answered, her voice sounding fluffy, probably from crying.
"Sophie? Hey its Jimmy." I said casually.
"Oh. Hi, Jimmy. How are you." She said in a monotonous voice.

"I'm excited to tell you about something that's gonna make you happy!"

"Um, okay."

I knew she wasn't buying in, but I was ready to do so.

"Sophie, I talked to your brother, and him and your parents are coming on Saturday!"

Silence. Suddenly, a small yelp was heard on the other side of the phone.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! OH, JIMMY YOU'RE THE BEST!" she said, sounding much happier than she sounded before.

"I know." I grinned.

"Wow, thank you so much! What do I owe you? "She asked.

"Nothing. You deserve this." I assured her.

"Thank you so much, Jimmy. I really appreciate it. Really. " she said.

"You're welcome! See you soon?" I asked.

"Come over for lunch tomorrow. I'll text you my address." She said. We said our goodbyes, and I was more than happy that I was able to buy her this way. No way she would deny to be my girlfriend.

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