1. The Board

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13, American and a hopeless romantic. Just an FYI... They're also extremely OOC. Sorry...

I met Elizabeth when I was ten. I had just realized I liked boys more, and since Elizabeth didn't bully me, I befriended her.

We started drinking when we were twelve. For bullying, for past things, and we really, really liked it. We were careful though, of course we were careful! No parties, no drinking with anyone else, yadda yadda yadda.

It's just me and my Lizzy against the world.


'When the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'd be here forever. Said I'll always be your friend...'

I groan and grab my phone off the nightstand.

"Lizzy, it is two in the damn morning," I say angrily into the phone.

"I have booze and I am home alone. Get your cute little ass over here."

"I'll be there in ten."


I knock on Lizzy's apartment door quietly, careful not to disturb her stupid neighbors.

And of course, she answers after the first knock.

She grabs my arm and yanks me in, then drags me straight to her room.

"Okay, I don't have the booze."

"Bitch, what?" (Mwahahaha)

"But...." she reaches under her bed and pulls out something. "I found a ouija board! I was walking around outside and I just found it. It looks brand new!" She sets it in between us.

"Why are we playing this?" I ask. She rolls her eyes and slaps my arm.

"Because," she starts, "maybe we can meet some hot ghosts or something."

"You're sick."
"Shut the fuck up and put your hands on the thingy."

First chapter!!!! Sorry it took so long and sorry it sucked. Shit's been going down :p

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