8. Unleashed

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This story sucks, doesn't it? Sorry..

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper-shout.

"I-I saw something! I-In my room!" Lizzy exclaims. "It was touching me! I ran over here as fast as I could!"

"At three AM? Lizzy, you could've been killed!" I pull her into my arms and throw the blanket over us.

"Ciel, I'm really scared," she whimpers.

"It's okay," I soothe. "It's okay."


I'm startled awake by a loud crash coming from downstairs.

"Liz, stay here," I whisper.

I rush down the stairs and look around, finding nothing.


I turn around and see my aunt in the closet (ha-ha).

She pulls me in.

"Who did this?" I ask.

"His name is Grell," she whispers. "He's... he's a demon."


She grabs my hand.

"I've encountered his kind before," she tells me. "You have to stop him before he summons others. Ciel, you've unleashed something terrible, you need to stop it."

God I suck

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