Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

October 6th 2007

I was wandering around a secluded area just off the north shore. I'm officially a rogue. A nomad. Lone wolf. An omega. It's only becoming clear to me that I resisted the Alpha and Beta. My father's words rung in my ears sending a pang of hatred and sorrow through me. All I could remember seeing was my mother's watery eyes. She was so defenceless and weak. Maybe not those words but she didn't help me. I'm starting to rethink going back for her.

The place I was in, it was the territory of another pack. I hope none of the pack members were doing rounds across the perimeter or else I would be dead. Knowing how this willy nilly behaviour of mine would end, I had to find something to mask my scent. Then it hit me. I removed my clothes and rubbed them in leaves. That would do the trick.

Apparently not.

As I began to make my way into a clearing, I heard a snarl rip through the air behind me. Two more chimed in from both sides. Emerging, from the brush came 3 wolves. A chocolate coloured wolf, with dark brown eyes, a grey wolf with yellow eyes and a blonde wolf, with golden brown eyes. They were male wolves, judging by their size.

They were big, but I was faster and just a few centimetres smaller.
I did what I saw fit.

I shifted.
The unpleasant sensation washed through my body, remodelling my bones into the ones of a wolf. My black fur sprouted from every part of my body. Suddenly the snarling stopped. Weirdly enough, the same wolves who wanted to tear me apart began to retreat behind the trees.

Out came 3 handsome young men. The first had blonde hair, with sea blue eyes. His chiseled chest was bare while his bottom half was covered. He had that 'I just got out of bed' hair which made him very attractive.

The next had brown hair with chocolatey eyes. He was taller but with less muscle but equally as striking. His hair was spiked up very neatly, he had intense features.

The last had dirty blonde hair with hazel green eyes. He was the smallest of the men. Probably the youngest also. He had strong features with a very defined jaw line and high cheek bones. He wasn't scrawny but he wasn't really huge.

We all stared each other down before the blonde haired man, steppe forward to speak.

"Shift." He said calmly, throwing me an oversized t-shirt and gesturing to the trees.

I was tired so I obliged. I sat on my haunches and let my hair dangle to my waist, taking up my human form. I pulled the t-shirt over my head and walked over to the men.

The same blonde man began to speak.
"Hi, I'm Hayden Bleu. I mean no harm to you. None of us do."

"What makes you think I can trust you?" I spat.

"Because one day soon, you will be my Luna."

His Luna? Me? A Luna? Really?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, but I think I knew already.

"You are a Silan. Well a Silan in transition. You are a rare breed of werewolf. Not many left." He said, this guy knew what he was talking about, that's why I caught him sniffing the air when I shifted back into my human form.

"Hi, I'm Casey Storm. We won't let anyone hurt you. From today onwards, my duty is protect you with my life." The brown haired man said, a feeling of reassurance caused my wolf to purr.
The last boy was about to speak.

"I am Dimitri Sommers. I guess you are the light. I'm glad we found you at the right time. You are the answer to all our prayers." What prayers?

Hayden began to speak again.

"Our current Alpha is a tyrant. Absolutely relentless and demonic. Every single wolf in our pack is sick and tired of him. He claimed to be a Silan but we all knew the truth. That's where you fit in. Hundreds of years ago, we had a Silan Luna. History is repeating itself. Silans are the only wolves with black fur. and that claw mark on your flank, its in association with your heritage. With the right training, you can lead us and the other 400 wolves to rebel against our Alpha."

This was going to be fun.

"Just tell me what I've got to do." I replied, I was ready. First, I have to change who I was. No more running away. No more fearing other people. I will be born again from the flames of hell. I would get my revenge. But they didn't know who the hell I was! I thought an introduction was in order.

"Before we do anything, you guys need to know me. I'm Winter Harris, daughter of Beta Ario and Wendy Harris of the BloodWell Pack. I ran away because my father wanted me to mate with the Alpha to make me a strong Silan." I said, got tears dancing down my face as I hung my head low. I must look pathetic.

I heard heavy footsteps approach me as

I raised my head to find Hayden standing next to me.

"Wow. You have been through quite a lot. But it's okay, we won't judge you." He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. He was going to be one of my betas. I offered him a warm smile and he returned it with a warm but stern nod.

"Winter, you need a new name." Dimitri whispered softly, taking recognition of the state I was in. He continued.

"Just incase your old pack find you, only we will know. No one else."

"I'll think of one soon, don't worry. So how is this going to work?" I said, cutting straight to the chase.

"First we have to teach the pack members how to resist the Alpha." Casey said with such irritation.

"I think that's been sorted. I've been slipping wolfsbane in everyone's juice for months, they only pretend like they can't resist his tone. They can just walk away." Dimitri said with such pride, flashing his beautiful teeth.

"Send out the call. Tell the fighters to murder the Alpha and his family and for everyone in the pack to meet at the clearing in an hour. Today is the end of The Onyx Pack and the beginning of the...uhh...erm...what's the name of the pack?" Casey said to me with his face full of confusion.

"The beginning of The White Fire Pack and their new Silan Alpha Female, Blaise Erikson." My voice had changed and began to sound like one of a leader. Surprisingly, I liked it.

*1 Hour Later*

They came in their hundreds. Just flooding the clearing, making it look cramped.

"Pack Members, we have suffered under Alpha Kellin's rule since we were pups! But enough is enough! We have found the light. A Silan!" Casey spoke with a loud voice which echoed from the trees and into the woods, causing the animals to chatter.

"Here she is." Hayden said and gestured to me. Every set of eyes fell on to me. No questions asked.
In unison, they all surprised me and left me in disbelief.

"Alpha."They all said and bowed their heads in respect.

"I am Blaise Erikson, and we will be the biggest and most fearless pack in the world. As of today, we aren't just a pack, we are now a family." My voice was seeping with authority, while all the pack members were gazing up at me. I was a visionary. Bold and beautiful. I was their Alpha and we were going to kick ass.

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