Chapter Five

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"Here, take this."

Alex reached into the back pocket of her jeans as she stood from where she had strapped Sara into her baby swing—yet another generous gift delivered from Crystal. She handed Treyan her phone and he looked at it curiously.

"It's a cell phone," she informed him.

He looked at her with a sardonic smile. "I know what a cell phone is, Alex."

"Yeah well, it's not like you can talk via orb here, so use it if you need it."

"Why?" Treyan asked as he held the mobile device in his hand.

"I know you don't have one, and I want you to be able to contact me should anything arise—for better or worse." Alex couldn't help but glance over at Bria readying her satchel.

Treyan raised his eyebrows at that. "You made it seem as though you didn't think this was a good idea."

"Anything right now is a better idea than just sitting here."

"I told you I'll be fine, but thank you."

"Good." She tried to bring their attention to the device instead of the emotions she was attempting to hide. "The house phone is under 'Home' in case you're looking for it."

Treyan was already flipping through the contact list on the phone when he came upon the entry labeled 'Home' and there, for an ID picture, was Alex holding Sarayna, both smiling into the camera, taken just that morning. He smiled, which in turn made Alex grin.

"Please be careful, alright?" She reached her hand out for his free one.

He took it and gave it a squeeze. "I always am."

He pulled her to him and wrapped her into a loving embrace. Her body suddenly longed for him and she pressed herself closer. They hadn't done anything since their return, between Treyan's injury and Bria's arrival, plus with Sarayna...

Apparently, by the feel of him, he was missing her, too. She smiled as she kissed him and wrapped her arms around his neck, not wanting to let him go.

Bria cleared her throat, blatantly making her presence known behind them. It wasn't that Alex forgot she was there. She simply just didn't care.

Treyan took the interruption as a signal to stop, and he squeezed her bottom as a last goodbye. The action had her realizing she left the knife Treyan gave her in her other pocket. He reached his hand in and extracted the blade, taking a step back to carefully examine it.

"I didn't know you had it with you," he remarked while admiring the keepsake.

Alex bit her lip and made sure Bria was otherwise occupied before answering. "It arrived with you. I've had it on me every day since we've been here, and I don't plan on taking it off."

"Good," he confirmed. "Good." He handed it back to her.

"Treyan," Bria interrupted again from her spot near the door. "The sun is rising, just as you said. It should be time to leave."

Alex glowered at the former mistress for interrupting, but her attention returned to Treyan as he hoisted his backpack over his shoulder. "I hate to admit it, but she's right. We need to go."

She watched him as he leaned down to say goodbye to their daughter where she lay swaddled in the baby swing, and then walked him to the front door. He pressed one more kiss against her lips before she sent him on his way.

Bria was right behind him, and before she could step out to follow, Alex grabbed her arm, not caring about the yelp of pain she heard while her grip tightened to exemplify the sincerity of what she was about to say.

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