Chapter Fifteen

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"So, long story short, we need Bria to stay here for a little while. Just until we can figure out what we're going to do with her."

Alex took a deep sip of her wine before looking at Crystal. The look on her friend's face was what she expected, so she had good reason for coming to her apartment with a bottle of wine in hand before breaking the news.

Crystal drummed her fingers on the tabletop as she considered Alex's proposal. "You're sure this isn't just so you can Treyan can have sexy time over your apartment without anyone watching you? You do have a daughter now, you know."

A slight blush came to Alex's cheeks that she hoped she could blame on the wine. She hadn't informed Crystal of the previous night's events, but her best friend knew her better than she wanted to admit.

"It's our daughter we're trying to protect, in the long run," Alex finally determined. "Will you help us out?"

Crystal tapped her fingers a few more times, and then looked over her shoulder at the clock on her wall. Sighing with defeat, she turned back to Alex. "Fine, but not tonight."

Alex looked up at the clock as though it would give her some clue. "What's going on tonight?"

"If you must know, I have a date."

Alex coughed on her wine. "With who?"

Crystal casually took a sip of her own. "Nile."


"Yes. Don't act so surprised. I can go on dates, you know."

"But he's so..."

"Adorable? Charming? Persistent?"

"Persistent?" Alex perked her brow at that.

Crystal shrugged it off. "We bumped into each other at Starbucks this morning."

"Oh, you just bumped into each other?"

"It can happen."

"When you're being stalked." She casually failed to mention Treyan finding her in such a Starbucks.

"I am not being stalked. I told you—he's just persistent."

"He just happened to walk into Starbucks the exact same moment you were there?"

"Yes." Crystal balked slightly at Alex's interrogation. "He showed up at Starbucks as I was on my way out, and we chatted for a bit. He asked me about my phone, I showed him the electronic corpse, and he offered to take it for the day to fix it."

"Where does the date come into play?"

"Well, I have to get my phone back, don't I?"

Alex sighed. "Where is he taking you?"

"The Capital Grille."

"Fancy," Alex said with a smirk.

"What can I say, he has good taste."

"When do I get to meet this Mr. I-can't-even-pronounce-his-last-name?"

"Not tonight."

"Oh, c'mon," Alex insisted, looking back at the clock. "When is he coming over?"

Crystal glanced over her shoulder yet again. "In about half an hour, which means you need to finish up that glass of wine and get out of here."

"Treyan is more than happy with his daddy time with Sara—I can wait."

Crystal's glare intensified.

"Alright, alright." Alex quickly finished the last few sips of her wine and stood up from her chair. "But Bria's coming over in the morning, so whatever you do tonight, don't forget! I want to hear all about it when you sober up tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, go go!" Crystal playfully pushed Alex out of the apartment. "I'll call you as soon as I get my phone back."

"You better," Alex yelled as the door was shut behind her.

Smiling, she turned on her heel as she mentally patted herself on the back.

Mission accomplished.

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