Chapter Eighteen

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"'Twer dha lairhd fallusa Chsairdner, whal err dhsuirh dha huira—"

"What are you doing?" Alex leaned her head into the living room from where she was preparing the holiday dinner in the kitchen. Treyan was sitting in the armchair with Sarayna on his lap dressed in the new red velvet dress Auntie Crystal gave her for the occasion. He was reading to her from a picture book that Alex knew was most definitely not in any language but English.

"I'm reading to our daughter," he said more to Sara than to her.

"I see that. What are you reading?"

He looked at the cover of the book. "You call it The Night Before Christmas."

"And you're translating it to her?"

"Of course. She needs to learn Lelriera eventually. What better way than complete submersion?"

"If you say so," Alex surrendered with a roll of her eyes as she returned to the preparations in the kitchen.

The bird was almost done, and the sides were just about ready. Treyan would need to leave soon to meet his mother at the train station, and Alex wanted to make sure all was as prepared as it could be before she had to pay full attention to Sara.

She was surprised they were able to get the apartment into the holiday spirit it was in, but Treyan knew it was important to her, so he went out and bought their tree, and together they decorated as though they were a happy little family truly celebrating a long-held tradition. She knew Treyan knew about the tradition of Christmas—he had lived here for some time before she met him—but she was still uncertain if he felt the personal need to celebrate this time with family, or if it was because it meant so much to her.

Either way, she would make sure this was a special event, for it could very well be the last one they would have here together. Saratanya's acceptance of Treyan's invitation meant more to him than she realized, and Alex was finding that she was getting nervous for the Queen Empress' arrival. She needed to remind herself that she was no different than Treyan's mother—a woman of this world taken to another—but her story held so much more meaning than Alex's. It was as though she truly was a member of royalty and deserved the same respect. She was the true reason Alex was even standing in the kitchen at all.

Once Saratanya accepted, arrangements were made immediately. Alex reached out to Crystal, who had been oddly distant. The day she called to extend the invitation, it took three unanswered texts and two phone calls before she was able to reach her. Even then, the tone of her voice when she did answer was short and seemingly annoyed.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," Alex said by way of greeting.

"No, it's fine," Crystal assured her. "Things are just busy between work and—"

"And Nile?"

"And Nile."

Alex tried to keep the irritation out of her voice. "I won't keep you then. I just wanted to invite you over for Christmas dinner. Treyan's mother is joining us and—"

"I'll have to see if we can fit it in."


"Nile is going to take me to meet his family." Alex couldn't miss the excitement in her tone.

"Just be safe, okay? Things are still new, and—"

"You worry too much," Crystal told her.

"Does this mean I won't see you for Christmas?"

There was silence on the line before Crystal answered. "I guess we can stop by before we leave. I have gifts for Sara anyway."

Alex left it at that. Bria was invited as well, despite everything. It was the holiday season, and regardless of Alex's feelings towards the woman, no one should spend it alone.

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