Chapter Twenty-One

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Treyan sighed as he watched Alex run away. She needed time, and he would give it to her. She would soon need to accept that what they were up against was larger than his betrayer of a brother, and a much greater threat. She couldn't run away from that forever. His eyes traveled from where his wife departed to where his daughter stood, still watching.

There was another challenge to conquer all together.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his daughter grown. It was true the circumstances due to her aging were out of his control, and he found himself regretting the time they lost because of it, but a part of Treyan was grateful. For selfish reasons, he was pleased to be beyond the infant stage if for no other reason than for Sarayna to better protect herself while in the Empire rather than having to be carried around as a helpless infant.

He also found himself proud of the woman she would—or had—become. She was her mother's daughter; of that he was certain. She had her angular features and smile, but she had received his eyes and his coloring.

And his Prophecy.

Which meant she would need to learn how to fight.

"Come here, nirr haesd," he called to her, holding out a hand to show her that her presence was more than welcome. She had noticed her mother's sudden departure and the look on her face reflected both sadness and confusion, but upon hearing her father call to her, the light in her eyes brightened.

"I ruya irrui duu nirr Fedhas," she responded as she took his hand.

He couldn't help but huff out a surprised laugh, astonishment at her quick learning clear on his face. "Another side effect of your arrival, I assume."

She gave her father a shy smile in response.

"Whatever you do, don't let your mother hear you," he mused. "She's been trying to pick it up ever since her first arrival."

"If she asks, I'll place the blame on you."

"She'll probably believe it too," he chuckled before his thoughts turned serious. "How are you feeling?"

Sarayna looked down at herself, as though assessing the situation. "I feel like myself, I suppose."

"I mean, you're aware of what happened, are you not?"

"I am," she said with no hesitation.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I said, I feel like myself. I'm aware, yet I don't feel as though I've missed out on anything, if that makes sense."

"Hmm, somewhat. The Prophecy's magic does work in its own way, with its own reasons."

"Is that what you think caused...this?" she motioned to her body.

"I do. More so than your brother's presence, but I think it's all one in the same now that we're here."

"That was him, wasn't it? Lexan?" she asked as she looked away towards the Borderlands. The suns were beginning to set, which meant they would need to hunker down in the cabin for the night.

"It was. It seems as though your uncle has done quite the number on him already." No time to bend the truth, Treyan decided. He'd rather she learned the truth directly from her parents than a skewed version from another source.

"Is it true?" she pressed.

"Which part?"

"Any of it? All of it?"

Treyan sighed and looked to Sara. Apparently, she had heard more than he hoped. Gods, she reminded him so much of Alex. He placed his hands reassuringly on her shoulders to make sure he had her full attention.

"Yes, Lexan is your brother. You are twins and he was taken from us when the two of you were born. Your mother is the Queen Empress. I am the Crown Prince. This is our Empire and you, Sarayna, are the Crown Princess and heir."

"But...Lexan, and what he said about you..."

"Which part?" Treyan smirked.

"Is it true?"

Treyan didn't need to ask specifics. "We don't know what Reylor has told him."

She perked an eyebrow. That she got from him.

"What do you mean you don't know? We're twins."

"We live in an Empire where there is magic—a lot of magic. Most of that magic is used for the well-being of others, while the rest of it can be bastardized. Your uncle, Reylor, chose the latter, in more ways than one."

She frowned. "But my mother—"

Treyan let out another breath. "We never expected a son and a daughter. When we saw your Emperor born right before you were brought into this world, we knew something wasn't as it should have been. Then you were born first, but Lexan—"

"You don't know?"

"We know he is our son," he corrected. "As with all children of the Empire, he too was born with purpose. We just don't know what it may be, and it seems, thanks to Reylor, he may not want to agree to it."

Now it was Sara's turn to sigh. "Does Mom?"

Treyan shook his head. "Don't mention it to her—not yet. Being back here, I don't know how good it is for her. I can't tell what she's thinking, or what she's planning, so I think it best we give her some time."

His tone turned serious as he held his daughter's gaze. "But when the time comes, and that conversation needs to be had, don't hold back. Be as honest and upfront with her as you have to be. She may want to run from the truth, but she can't hide from it. None of us can."

Sara nodded, and suddenly wrapped her arms around Treyan. The action surprised him, but only for a moment. He returned the hug, needing the comfort as much as she seemed to.

In all honesty, he admitted to himself, he had no clue what the future held for them, and for the first time in his life, he had no idea where to start.

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