Headed to Hogsmeade

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Headed to Hogsmeade

"Wake up, Potter." Sirius leaped onto James's bed from his own, his long hair flying wildly behind him. He landed squarely on James's stomach, causing him to double up with a great ooophhhfff!! "It's Hogsmeade day, you blighter, not having lie-in day! Get up, get up!"

James groaned and sat up, shoving Sirius off him playfully so that Sirius tumbled off to one side, reaching to catch himself by grabbing hold on Peter's blankets and tearing them off his bed in the process. "Siiiirius," moaned Peter, "Why've you gotta be so loud for? It's still early!"

Remus was already up, having woken at the crack of dawn. He was hopping on his one good leg, pulling his pants and jumper on before folding himself into his wheelchair, breathless. He stared down at the cast, which the boys had doodled all over, and folded up the wrists on his sweater. "If we go early, though, we'll be at the crowd at the Three Broomsticks and maybe we could get breakfast there instead of the Great Hall for a change!"

James pulled a pillow on over his head.

Sirius grinned and pounced upon his friend a second time. "GET UP POTTER, GET UP POTTER!" he shouted, jumping on the bed around James, causing an absolute earthquake upon the mattress.

James scrambled up so as not to get crushed or stepped on and slammed his glasses up his nose, "Bloody hell!" he shouted, then he turned and headed for the loo.

Sirius grinned at Remus, relishing his triumph of Potter, before turning to grab onto Peter's wrists, "It's time to wakey-wakey, Pettigrewww!" Sirius sing-songed.

Downstairs by the toilets there was a bit of a line of Gryffindors waiting to get in. Usually it wasn't such a challenge but today really was a special day and the Marauders were not the first ones to get up early for Hogsmeade. "Hullo Longbottom," James mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes as he joined the queue behind Frank Longbottom and a fifth year boy he was talking to ahead of him.

"Morning, Potter," Frank answered. He was clutching his toothbrush in his fist. "Your lot headed to Hogsmeade this morning?"

James nodded yawning, "Remus wants to get breakfast at the Three Broomsticks."

"Very groovy," Frank said.

"You want to join us?" James asked.

Frank shook his head. "I'm not going."

"What? So why are you up for then?" James asked. "I'd be having a lie-in for sure if I wasn't going to Hogsmeade!"

"Oh, I, uh, I told Ali Prewitt that I'd help her with an assignment she's been working at," Frank replied, turning red as he said it. "Lily was helping her, but... it's in Charms and that's sort of my specialty... so I offered..."

James nodded, "Well that's nice of you."

"Yeah, we were going to go hunt down an empty classroom and work on it," Frank nodded and turned around as the line started moving forward again.

When James got back to the common room, it was to find Peter eating a chocolate bar from Remus's trunk and Sirius revising the list of goods they were looking for at Zonko's. "I reckon Frank Longbottom and Ali Prewitt are going to be snogging all day," James announced as he walked through the door and tossed his toothbrush into his trunk. He ran a hand through his messy hair and pulled on his trainers.

Sirius looked up from the parchments in his hand, "What? Frank and Ali? No. Seriously?"

James nodded. "Well, I suppose technically he's just helping her with a Charms assignment."

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