The Spirit of a Prankster

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The Spirit of a Prankster

While Severus had been dragging Lily into one empty classroom, Sirius was dragging Remus into the Trophy Room passageway. Peter and James scrambled after them and the moment the portrait of Brutus Scrimgeour had closed behind them, Sirius turned to Remus, his wand light illuminating the dark space. "Why didn't you tell me they were still teasing you?" he asked, angry still from his fight with Severus so that the tone that came out was accusing and harsh.

Remus cowered away as though he expected Sirius to hit him with a hex.

"Stop that!" Sirius shouted, "You know I wouldn't hurt you, you stupid wolf."

"Then stop waving that thing about like you intend to," Remus said, knocking Sirius's wand aside.

Sirius glared, "Have they been at it this whole time?"

"No," Remus lied.

Peter spoke up, "They - they call him names."

"Shut up, Peter," Remus hissed.

"They tried to beat him up in Hogsmeade before Christmas. When we were outside, we were at the fountain --"

"Peter!" Remus growled.

" -- and Evan Rosier and his lot came by and they threw a snow ball in his face and an icicle at us when we ran and --"

"Shut up Peter," Remus's growl was deep in his throat.

"And they call him Puffer Fish!" Peter finished.

Remus closed his eyes.

James looked confused, "What? What kind of an insult is that?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

"Puffer fish. As in blow fish. As in -- as in I... you know... with my mouth... with... with... boys," Remus explained, sighing. "It's stupid and I don't care." He was lying again.

Sirius was so mad he was seeing red. His jaw was stone hard. He shook his head, "I'll bloody murder them all. Who was it that's done it? Evan Rosier. Who else?"

"Sirius --" Remus shook his head, "It's not worth it, alright?"

"It is worth it, I can see it in your eyes it bothers you. Don't lie to me."

Remus hung his head, "Just calm down. Please."

"CALM DOWN?" Sirius paced a quick circle and wrung his hands. "How am I supposed to calm down when those stupid Slytherins are making your life miserable? It's ridiculous! This whole thing is ridiculous. We're not gay! We're friends and that's it and it's such a stupid idea that we'd ever be anything more than that -- ever!" He shook his head, "Bloody ridiculous."

Remus didn't look up. He couldn't. He just stared at his trainers, feeling the pit of his stomach drop to his toes. He nodded, "Yeah. Ridiculous idea."

James caught Sirius's shoulder, "We're going to put a stop to it, but we gotta be smart about it. You and your detentions - you're booked nearly straight through a month. What're you going to do if they schedule you one on the full moon?"

Sirius sighed, "I just won't be there."

"They'll go looking for you and what're you going to say when they find you - a dog in the shack with a werewolf? Think some questions might raised about what the hell you were thinking becoming an animagus!" James said. "No, there's better ways to teach those old Slytherins a lesson."

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