Snogging With My Mates

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Snogging With My Mates

Remus tried very hard to stay out of everything and anything pertaining to the Valentine tea that was going on in Gryffindor common room on Valentine's Day... which would have worked quite well until James and Sirius took over the dormitory, getting ready. He kept his nose firmly planted in a textbook as he sat on his bed, ignoring it as James and Sirius poked at one another. He especially hated it when Sirius stood before the mirror at the end of his bed taking an inexplicable amount of time poking and pulling at his hair, slicking it back and trying to get it all perfect. Every time his hands went through it, Remus felt like the air was being vacuum packed out of his lungs and he adjusted his book, raising it up on his knees, to keep from being able to see Sirius at all.

"Do I look alright, mate?" James asked, nudging Peter, who was sitting on his bed flicking through a book also, though not with anywhere near the immersion that Remus was doing (and not for the same reason, either).

Peter stared up at him, "Well your hair's a bit messy," he said, "I'm sure Sirius could give you some of the excess of Sleekeazy he's got smeared about in his hair if you're out."

"Oi. I need every drop that's in it," Sirius announced. "Have you seen my hair? It's unruly!"

It's perfect, thought Remus.

"Besides that, mine is supposed to be messy," James said. "Like I've just come off the Quidditch pitch. That's what all the witches like."

Peter shrugged, "Then... yeah, I s'pose you look good. I dunno."

"You're useless... Hey Rey," James called. "Rey, what do you think? Do I look good?"

"Why are you asking me? How would I know?" Remus asked, a little bit of a panic to his voice.

Sirius turned around, "You have eyes don't you, Rey?" he asked, laughing.

"I - I mean, I dunno anymore than Peter knows if - if a boy looks good."

James rolled his eyes, "Well imagine what a witch might think if she looked at me!" he said.

"Blimey is he a prat," said Sirius in a high pitched voice, imitating Lily. James chucked a pillow from his bed at Sirius and the question was forgotten as Sirius bellowed out, "WATCH IT! I've just spent an hour making this mane look presentable, don't you go messing it up with your bloody pillow!"

They spent a good deal more time preparing - Sirius changing from his Deep Purple t-shirt to his Rolling Stone shirt and back to Deep Purple, unable to decide which band Marlene might appreciate more.

"Does she like Deep Purple?" Peter asked.

"SHE BETTER!" Sirius shouted. "Everyone should like Deep Purple. Bloody hell."

Finally, they were ready to go - Sirius had decided on his Creedence t-shirt after all the debate about Deep Purple - and they stood by the door. "How do we look, last chance to fix anything glaringly wrong with us," Sirius said.

"Well that's a loaded offer," laughed Peter, "Can't change out your faces, can we?"

James reached for the pillow to throw again but Sirius caught him and stopped him from diving. "Alright, calm yourself down," Sirius said. He looked over at Remus and Peter.

Peter said, "You look like quite a pair."

James grinned, "We are. We're a very tight pair... you can't hardly tell us apart any longer." He looked at Sirius. At the moment, they literally could not have looked more different - James with his unruly, pseudo-windblown look and Sirius all slicked back and perfected. James with his nice button up shirt and tweed jacket; Sirius with his Creedence tee, ripped jeans and leather jacket... "We're sort of hybrids of one another by now," James said, looking them both over.

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