Obsession, Admiration, and Rash Revenge

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Obsession, Admiration, and Rash Revenge

Lily looked about as she stepped through the door off the entrance hall and snuck down the slanting stairs to the docks that lined the dark black water. She looked around, but Severus was not there yet. She walked down the steps carefully, using her wand to aid the flicker of the torches. It was pretty dismal down there, and she wondered fleetingly why Severus chose such a bleak place to meet up with her. She moved closer to the water, leaning over the edge of the docks to peer in. She couldn't see a thing.

The door leading out from the Slytherin dungeons creaked open and Lily looked up from the edge of the lake. Severus snuck through the door looking back down the hall behind himself as he pushed it closed quietly. "Colloportus," he whispered, and the door clicked locked. 

When he turned back around to face the water, he seemed surprised to see Lily was already there. "Were you waiting long?" he asked.

LIly shook her head, "Not long."

Severus came across the cobblestone floor, his shoes making a funny scuffling sound. They were a size too large, bought second hand, and so the heels clopped funnily on the rock as he moved. He ducked under a cobweb that hung in the frame of the little doorway and made his way to where she stood. He reached into his bag and pulled out the stack of letters. They were exactly as he'd found them in Regulus's room, he hadn't touched them a bit.

Lily took the letters, relief melting through her veins the moment she held them in her hand. "Thank you," she said thickly. She held them tight in her hand and moved closer to Severus, pulling him into a hug, squeezing him close.

Severus melted into her touch. But it didn't last near enough.

Lily pulled back and tucked the letters into her book bag. "You have no idea what a relief it is to have them back, Sev," she said. She hesitated, then, "Or do you? You aren't looking at my mind again?"

Severus shook his head, "I'm not."

Lily smiled. "Good," she said. Then she stared backing up, away. "Well.. I'll... um, I'll see you."

"Wait," Severus frowned, "Wait. Stay. I thought that we could have a picnic." He reached in his bag again and pulled out a couple of smooshed-looking sandwiches and a bottle of Butterbeer.

Lily looked about the dirty, cold dungeonous room. "Here?" she asked.

"Well we certainly can't go out on the grounds," Severus said, his voice a bit sharper than he'd intended it to be. "We'd be soaked with all the snow."

Lily hesitated. She didn't want to really. Up in the Great Hall, it was bright and there was probably snow to see flecking in the windows. There were her friends, too. But she didn't want to upset Severus, he looked so hopefully at her as she contemplated it. And he'd already gone through all the trouble of getting the food. Plus, she did sort of owe him one - taking these letters from Regulus Black couldn't have been easy, and certainly it wouldn't get him any cool points in Slytherin if anyone found out what he'd done. Really, Severus had risked quite a lot for her by coming here with the letters. "Alright," she agreed, and she stepped back toward him.

A smile split Severus's face and he juggled the sandwiches and butterbeer in the crook of his arm as he pulled out a wrinkled green Slytherin duvet and shook it out on the dock. "Here we are," he said.

Lily walked over and she hesitantly sat down on the cold stone floor. The duvet was thin, barely worth having bothered with, and it smelled a bit as though it hadn't been washed in some time -- but it was better than nothing, she supposed. Severus sat down, too, sinking to his knees and putting down the butterbeer and sandwiches before her. "I tried to get some treacle tart, too, but I couldn't get my hands on any."

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