Lily Needs to Talk

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Lily Needs to Talk

Newt Scamander's arrival turned Hogwarts upside down. He had been expected after the Holiday, so none of the faculty had been ready for his appearance - Filch had a near heart attack as he hadn't cleaned the castle top-to-bottom as he normally would have with the expectation of a visitor's arrive. Additionally, the guest rooms in the North Tower had not been adequately prepared, but that turned out to be quite alright as Newt positively refused to sleep anywhere except in his old dorm room in Hufflepuff, which led to some sixth year Hufflepuffs having a very odd new roommate indeed. Newt would attend the Care of Magical Creatures classes - each and every one of them, and draw whatever creatures Kettleburn was exhibiting, only making odd remarks here and humming quietly to himself - some American showtune they didn't recognize.

"Newt Scamander seems nice enough, he's just so bloody weird," said Lily one day when they'd passed the sixth year Hufflepuffs looking traumatized in the hallway while the Gryffindors were walking between Charms and Transfiguration.

Remus said, "I dunno the story exactly, but he was apparently expelled once, but he had Dumbledore as a teacher back in the day --"

"Hang on. How bloody long has Dumbledore been teaching?" James asked.

Remus lit up with the opportunity to teach them something. "Newt Scamander was born in 1897. Dumbledore was born 26 of August 1881. Dumbledore would've been in school from 1892 to 1899, and Newt would've turned eleven in 1908. Depending when his birthday is, he either went to school 1908 to 1915 or else 1909 to 1916 and Dumbledore probably would've started teaching sometime around 1905 or so..."

"Bloody hell you're as a bad as Binns!" exclaimed Sirius.

They'd all come to a stop in the hallway. "Why was Newt Scamander expelled? And why did he keep his wand if he was expelled? They snap their wands when students are expelled!"

Remus shrugged, "I told you. I dunno the story exactly. I only know Dumbledore and Scamander became great friends from it. Dad said once Dumbledore's the most respected wizard in the entire world and Scamander was one of the people he listed off who owes Dumbledore his entire career."

Suddenly, Sirius was shoved quite hard from behind and he tripped forward, knocking over Remus in the process. Lily let out a shriek and leaped forward to help Remus up. Sirius rolled over to see what had pushed him and he spotted Regulus, laughing a few feet away, following behind the group of first year Slytherins. Sirius gave him a very rude gesture before scrambling up to help Lily, James, and Peter lift Remus back to his feet and restore his crutches to him. "I'm so sorry mate!" Sirius exclaimed, "I didn't mean to - my toerag of a brother pushed me. I ought to hex him so bad Mother won't be able to recognize her ickle little Reggiekins when he goes home for holiday to be smothered with adoration and praise."

Lily looked the way Regulus had gone, "He's your brother!"

"Yeah, well, he hates me and I hate him so he can bug off," Sirius grumbled.

Lily bit her lower lip staring at Sirius with a curious expression.

"Anyway - we better get to Transfiguration, I doubt McGonagall will take the excuse we were dawdling in the hall talking about Newt Scamander and that's why we're late," Remus said.

"Yeah I can't be late for her class again or I'll be in loads of trouble," Peter said, who'd been late several times because of forgetting his textbooks so frequently.

They all started on down the hall and Lily hung back, kneeding her lower lip between her teeth a bit as she puzzled over what had happened with Regulus and Sirius. When they were about to go into Transfiguration room, she grabbed hold on Sirius's arm. "Wait. Sirius. I need to talk to you, please."

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