The Arrival (Chapter 2)

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Joshua Raymond Turman. I remember the name because my mother used to talk about him all the time. She would boast about how handsome and young he was. He was the next heir to the mansion, and business. His father was sick therefore his days of owning up to everything in this property would be his.

I leveled myself upwards to his 6 foot height. I stiffened my shoulders to seem more confident and looked at him straight in the eyes. If those brown coffee-bean-like eyes could kill someone, I'd probably be dead already. I stayed serious but I couldn't deny he was very attractive though he looks arrogant, and by what he just said this was going to be a toughie.

"My clothes don't concern you Mr. Turman so I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself." I proclaimed.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I thought I had done it again. I let my anger take over me, and transformed me into a different person. The bodyguards went wide-eyed, and the butler looked away. Joshua kept his eyes fixed on me. He took a step back and sized me from head to toe.

"Are you some kind of pervert or what?" I raised my eyebrow.

He let out a small chuckle, and slowly his hands came out of his pockets and folded up against his chest. He suddenly went serious and took a step closer to me.

"I'm just trying to check if your presence is even worth being here. If I wasn't so nice, you'd be thrown out of my property immediately." he said in a serious tone.

I tried to not show fear, or the fact that his harsh cold words hit me like a dagger on the chest. I gulped, and took a step back. I huffed and finally managed to get some words out of my sealed lips.

"Whatever, I'm just here to work so I'm not even going to argue." I said turning away.

"That's a splendid idea, now, shall my butler show you to your room? Or as a matter of fact I'll do it myself." he said looking at his butler.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my suitcase hoping for it to stay together until it reached my future closet. I looked at Sabrina who was petrified and watching the whole thing like it was a movie or something.

"Hey Sabrina, I got it from here. Thank you so much for the ride, call me when you get home." I told her pulling her in for a hug.

Sabrina pulled away from the hug, and nodded in response. She then walked to her car, and turned on the ignition. She was out of here in a jiff. As I look back I notice Joshua waiting impatiently for me. I took a deep sigh and thought to myself why was I even taking this job in the first place. If I didn't love my mom I think I would've just run away. I grabbed the handle on the suitcase tighter and walked towards the doubled front door.

I entered the mansion to see these two white staircases on each side of the room that turned into curves. The furniture was luxurious, and the floor was pure marble. It was truly breath-taking and I was automatically in love. My mom truly did a good job at keeping this house spotless. The only thing is I realized why she had to stay in this household for so long. This house probably took 2 days to clean and 5 to maintain. I was interrupted by a small clearing of the throat. I looked to my right and Joshua was waiting for me. His bodyguards, including his butler were not in sight no longer. Joshua motioned his head in a way that told me to follow him.

I walked behind him losing myself on how it was possible that a house had so many doors and spaces larger than my living room. After a few minutes I think we had reached our destination because I bumped into a rock like wall, unfortunately I think hitting a rock would be better but instead I collided with Joshua's chest. I looked up rubbing my forehead and he was cleaning his suit with a handkerchief. What was he trying to say? That I'm dirty? Ha, this was not going to be easy.

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