I've Made A Decision (Chapter 23)

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My tears took a dive on my cheeks, they are free falling with so much speed, not giving me time to hold them back. Joshua's voice echoed in my ears as I walked away. Why was I walking away from the man I loved? Suddenly it hit me when Joshua came to a deadline with his numbers and I came to a dead stop with my steps. I..had made a decision.

"You said we would get through everything together...did you mean it?" I said loudly.

"Yeah, why?" He replied.

I walked towards him, my heart pounded and my steps became quicker until I was running. I flew my arms around Joshua and cried as loud as I could not giving a damn if the neighborhood heard me. My decision was to stay with Joshua and somehow I would get through it all. His mother threatened me and Sabrina is in danger but I'll protect her. I'm choosing to protect those I love. One of those include Joshua.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" He said softly rubbing my tears away.

I looked at him in the eye.

"Were you going to leave once I counted to 10?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I nodded.

"Why would you? Is it because you're not happy or its too fast or..is it because you think we don't match as a couple? Is that it?" He sounded agitated.

"I'm sorry Joshua, I really am. I decided to stay though. I love you." I cried into his chest.

Joshua didn't say a word but to rest his palms on my neck, and his forehead on mine.

"Dummy." He whispered.

"The biggest of them all." I sniffed.

Joshua lifted his head and kissed my forehead, which followed to my nose, my cheek, then my lips. I felt the softness sinking into mine.

The rest of the night we walked home slowly, hand on hand. When we arrived Jefferson was on his way to his room.

"Why hello Master Joshua and Miss. Louis. Good to see you both." He smiled and continued up the stairs.

I let go of Joshua's hand and turned to him.

"I hope you sleep well. We will figure something out of this situation." He gave me a small smile and went to his room.

I left a few minutes after him but forgot to put his suit jacket in the coat room. I walked in the tiny closet and went to hang it up when I spotted several boxes and brought down one. It was Joshua's baby pictures. I laughed silently as I passed through the pictures. He was adorable. I put the pictures in the small box and closed it tightly to put it back. I noticed another box in the back. It was brown and dusty. I tried to reach but it was way too far. I got a stool from the kitchen and managed to get it but it was too dusty making me sneeze several times.

"What the heck is this?" I asked myself.

It was a little difficult to open the box due to it being closed for such a long time. I finally opened it and out came documents and strange papers. I looked closely and was shocked by what I was seeing. It was my mother.

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