Authors Short Letter - Dec. 13th 2019

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Hi all! It's been quite a while since I wrote this story. I still check in on the sweet supportive comments and I'm eternally grateful to have received so much love on here. I want to make a sequel to this story but truthfully I've been pausing over and over and starting other stories. Right now I'm in the middle of writing a new fantasy/romance/fiction story. I will publish it soon. Once I finish that one, I want to write a continuation for "Personal Maid". Until then I hope everyone can enjoy the other small stories I've written. Thank you again for being patient and showing love and support. Also, for those wondering why the covers say "By: Shapire" it's because I used to go by that name for my books/stories but from now I will be using my real name. Much love everyone! Thank you soooo much! :) 

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