Can I Turn Around & Just Leave? (Chapter 22)

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We were standing there looking at each other surprised. I was looking at him but thinking about his mothers threat. I was trapped in my own thoughts and didn't say a word till he broke the silence.

"Cilia? what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Um..Oh! I came to surprise you..and it worked." I threw my hands in the air and gave him a fake smile.

"You shouldn't have, I was already going to pick you up but I guess you saved time." he smiled and closed the door behind him.

We entered the elevator and there was that silence again. I didn't know what to say. All I was thinking was that I had to let go of him and it was hurting me badly. How would I do it?

"Your'e awfully quiet today. Is everything alright?" he leaned into my face.

"Y-yeah everything is perfect." my cheeks were blushing red which made him laugh.

As the elevator door opened, I was relieved to not see Mrs. Turman anywhere. I decided that today I was going to make it the funnest for him, and make a memory out of everything.

"I say we first go to the fair then we'll go to dinner." I smiled brightly.

"Hm? The fair? Aren't we too old for that?" he smiled back furrowing his eyebrows.

"No! C'mon!" I pulled his arm.

We road to the fair that was on for this weekend and it was just 5 minutes away from Joshua's job. As soon as we got there, I ran to the booth and bought a set of 50 tickets to ride everything.

"Let's go on that roller coaster first?" I suggested and pointed.

His face was priceless and it made me laugh really hard. I pulled his arm and we made the line.


After about 10 rides, we were already exhausted. I decided we would just walk around and eat some cotton candy. I bought the big bag.

"Here" I smiled and put a piece in his mouth.

"It's good." he said with his mouth full.

"Your lips are blue!" I started laughing hysterically.

"Oh yeah? Yours are pink from eating the pink part!" he mocked me.

We started running around until we reached a fountain and he started splashing me with water.

"Joshua stop! I'm getting all wet!" I yelled at him but my laughter took over.

After being all soaked, Joshua started looking at me but it wasn't to my face when I noticed my shirt became see through.

"Oh my God!" I yelled.

I hurried to cover myself when he started laughing and took off his suit. He put it over me and I suddenly felt the warmth of his body on my skin and his delicious smell covering my nose. I blushed lightly. He rolled his slightly wet sleeve shirt and I could see the veins on his arms.

"What about your sui-?"

"It's more important that you wear it." he leaned closer and brought the ends of the suit more closely together so my shirt was not visible anymore.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly.

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." he smiled.

We were too wet, and casual for a restaurant so we decided to get pizza at a nearby place and eat it while taking a walk around. It was getting a little windy, making me shrivel a bit. I gave Joshua his suit jacket and walked ahead of him. I turned around and saw him stop tiredly with his suit over his shoulder. He smirked. He looked beautiful with the sunset behind him. I didn't want to leave him. I fell in love with him.

"I was thinking and you can kiss me if you want." I looked at his eyes.

"Kiss you? Whoa! Why are you being so nice to me today? That's weird." he chuckled.

My expression changed but I tried not to show it. It hurt me deep down inside when he said that.

"Why would you say that? Everything is normal." I fake smiled.

"You sure? Because-"

I leaned in before he could finish the sentence and kissed him lightly on his strawberry lips. I slowly let go and our eyes made contact.

"Joshua I want you to know that I've never met anyone like you. I'm going to walk away and I want you to not chase after me, you hear me? Count to 10 and don't turn around till you finish." I instructed him.

He looked at me weird and didn't ask as to why. I didn't want him to ask me. He thinks this is a game. When he finished counting to 10 I would be gone. I would leave. I would tell Sabrina to pick up my belongings at his house later on. My tears were on the bulge of spilling out but I had to wait.

"4.." he counted.

What is love? Something that makes you happy, something you enjoy being with no matter how hard time gets. I'm just a girl who never had more than a cent in her life. I met a guy who was an asshole at first but deep down inside has the heart of a diamond. So why was I walking away? Oh right. We don't match, but so what? Lady and the tramp still loved each other at the end even when they weren't supposed to, Cinderella was a maid, and found her prince. I deserved to be happy. I had lived a hard life.

"8.." he counted.

I stopped in my heel. My breathing was rigid. The wind soared through my hair and blew my tears away.

"9.." he was almost there.

I've decided.

"10." I heard the heel of his shoe turn toward me.

A/N: What will happen? 

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