Poor Sick Prince (Chapter 5)

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Joshua was a man of arrogance, cockiness, and attitude. It pissed me off and I wasn't going to let him step all over me. So what if I fell asleep? Doesn't everybody fall asleep once in a while? After seeing him storm off and hearing the wheels of his Lamborghini screeching and burning the thick pavement I turned away and was headed for my room when I spotted something horrifying on the mirror at the entrance of the house.

"Oh my god.."

My eyes opened to the size of doughnut rolls, and my lips began parting. I was so shocked this morning by the fact that I fell asleep therefore not noticing what I actually looked like. I was a wreck. I even noticed I wasn't wearing a bra and pressed my fingers into my temples. I walked back to my room and what I desired most at this moment was to go back to bed but I had a lifetime of chores to get to. This was definitely going to be a bit difficult.


After making my bed, and taking one of those cat baths where I just get in, rinse, and get out, I spent at most 30 minutes trying to put on the stupid maid uniform. I found it useless and dumb. I walked down the stairs hoping that today wouldn't kill me more than it already has. When I reached the kitchen, I spotted a man over the sink. He was probably in his 50's, white silver hair, and he was also wearing a uniform. It was Jefferson, Joshua's butler. I worked a smile on my face, and said good morning.

"Why hello Miss. Louis, though I'm afraid there's 2 minutes till noon." Jefferson said pointing at the clock with his blue eyes.

I didn't know what to say, so I looked around a bit, and changed the subject.

"Say, Mr..." I didn't know what to call him.

"You may call me Jefferson." he smiled.

"Oh okay, well say Jefferson, I have no idea what to do, I mean I've never been a maid." I said moving my thumbs in circular motions one over the other.

"That's okay Miss. Louis, I am here to teach you. Of course you would of awakened earlier.." he trailed off and went back to drying the dishes.

I looked away and didn't want to talk of this anymore. The man was making me feel guilty for something that wasn't even a crime.


It was nearly dinner time and Joshua was still not home. Jefferson and I had spent the whole day practicing how to greet guests, and Joshua's taste in food, that I hadn't kept track of time. It was almost 7pm and I wanted to sit down already.

"No Miss. Louis I am afraid you mustn't take a break just yet." he said.

"But Jeff-" I was beginning to whine.

"No buts and or ifs young lady, I work for young master Joshua and I can not upset him." he clarified.

I rolled my eyes, and lazily forced my body to rise, and my feet to withstand my weight. I was tired, and hungry. I wanted to get this over with and just sleep until next week.

"Very well, now how do you greet an important guest when they arrive?" he waited.

"Hey, come on in and sit." I said in monotone voice, and pulled my hand to the side as if to show the way for the invisible guest.

"No, no Miss. Louis that is wrong." he began.

"You're right...Hey c'mon I don't got all day, my feet hurt and I gotta hit the sack. Feel me?" I said in the most serious way ever.

Jefferson looked at me in disbelief and shook his head in a 'no' position. He looked up to the tall roof as if he was about to speak to God or something. I couldn't help but sort of laugh, and just as Jefferson was going to correct me again we both heard the front doors open up. It was Joshua who arrived. His tie was loose, his white shirt was a bit wrinkled, and he looked dead. Jefferson proceeded to welcome him home, and take his belongings to his room. Joshua looked at me and walked past me bumping my shoulder. I wasn't such a weak person, but I was slim, and not 6 feet tall, I literally almost fell back. I turned back around to face him and went to where he was sitting down on the couch.

"You smell like a girl, where have you been?" I asked.

"You're my employee Cilia, not my wife, not my mother." he said irritated.

I looked at him in a geez-okay sort of way, and stood up to leave when he stopped me.

"Did you do everything you were supposed to do?" he asked raising his head to me.

"Yes my dear master, I have washed your socks, and don't forget your tighty whities too." I said smiling sarcastically.

His eyes went wide, and I couldn't help but laugh to my hearts content. I loved teasing people, and one person I had the feeling I would be able to do that to was Joshua.

"Not funny, now go to your room and bathe, you smell." he said looking away half annoyed.

My laughter slowly became serious, and I made a goofy face at him.

"Rotten kid." I muttered.

"Did you say something?" he asked.

"Wonderful kid!" I said loudly.

He looked at me suspicious and laid back down on the couch with his feet up on the arm of the sofa. I stared at him for no more than 2 seconds and went to my room. I took a nice warm bath and was about to go to bed when I heard glass falling on the floor. My feet suddenly found themselves running towards the kitchen to see Jefferson trying to get a hold of Joshua.

"Miss. Louis please take young master to his room, he has a high fever, and almost fainted, please go while I clean this mess." he said almost not being able to carry Joshua.

I leaned in to grab Joshua but almost lost him, since he's so strong, and big. I suddenly became very lost because I had no idea where any other room was except mine, so that's where I took him. I laid him on my bed and touched his forehead that could fry an egg.

"Lord, what do I do? Tonight is gonna be long." I mumbled.

A/N: So guys..tell me what you think :) 

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