Chapter Seven

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The next morning Rose awoke to the sound of hushed voices talking frantically. It sounded like arguing. She did her best to focus on the words being spoken.

"... want to talk to her," one voice said.

"She is very ill, she needs to rest," another one responded. Rose groaned quietly and forced her eyes open. Light was streaming in from the windows, temporarily stunning her. Immediately pain made itself known to Rose. Her stomach burned and her throat felt swollen. She closed her eyes momentarily, hoping for a respite from the pain and illness. When she opened them again she turned her head and looked out into the room. Two pairs of eyes stared back at her.

She blinked a few times, clearing her bleary eyes, and focused on the people. Her mind, hazy from sleep, took a moment to realize who the people were. One was Brianne, who stood by the door studying Rose with her alert eyes. Next to her, just outside the door, someone poked their head inside. Rose smiled a little. It was Prince Tristan. His eyes were wide – anxious and hopeful as he looked at her.

"Please may I enter?" She heard him murmur to Brianne. Brianne curtsied and stepped aside despite looking somewhat frustrated. She walked further inside and disappeared around a corner. Prince Tristan entered and sat on the stall by Rose's bed. He smiled at her and clasped his hands together.

"Rose, how are you feeling?" He asked her. Rose sat up a little and tried to prop her pillow up higher.

"As well as I can be," Rose told him. She frowned as she listened to her own voice. It was raspy and uneven. Concern flickered on Prince Tristan's face but he masked it hastily. "Well, truly, I am not so well," Rose finally admitted. A smile quirked up on one side of his mouth.

"You will be well, you will," he told her firmly. Rose looked away, wishing she possessed the same confidence that he did.

"How are you?" She eventually asked him, changing the topic.

"I am fine, not a scratch on me." Rose sighed and closed her eyes.

"That is good, my lord." She did not say anything else and kept her eyes closed. She felt unbearably weak and exhausted, even though she had just been asleep. Fear and desperation crept up on her. If she did not start improving soon then it was unlikely she would ever recover. Once an infection had a firm clutch on someone they were near impossible to remove.

"What is wrong?" Price Tristan asked when Rose said nothing else. She opened her eyes and peered through a pool of tears.

"I am sure you know my wounds are infected, Your Highness," she said with a sniff. "I am under no misconceptions about the danger of infections... I could die. I don't want to die," a few tears slipped down her cheeks. Prince Tristan moved closer to her but he did not touch her.

"You will not die, I forbid you to." A small, choked up giggle escaped Rose at his words and he smiled, though she could see sadness in his warm eyes. "Just think about all the things you have to live for and you will find the strength to beat this."

"There is nothing for me to live for," Rose responded bitterly.

"Do not say that," Prince Tristan pleaded. "You have to live for... Mistress Eudora," he said suddenly. Rose smiled softly – she was fond of Mistress Eudora and the fellow servants who worked with her. "She feels awful enough already," the Prince continued. "And you have to live for my sister, Susanna. She likes you, she was telling me just the other day. Even Emily likes you – I dare say you have charmed everyone in the castle. You have friends here; you have to live for them. Live for me." Rose stared at him with a deadpan expression. Prince Tristan erupted into laughter at her blank face. "After all," the Prince continued, "who else would refuse to bow to me on a daily basis? It would be simply dull to have everyone do what they were told. I would grow far too spoiled." Rose smiled again as he spoke. He was in jest, but it cheered her up.

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