Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I have been so excited to write this - from the very beginning I was planning this chapter and now you get to read it!
Here comes the showdown.

"Father is terribly angry, Tristan."

Tristan turned around to see Suzanna walking into the throne room, where Tristan was waiting.

"Suzanna!" He cried happily. He moved forward to give her a quick hug.

"I am so glad you have returned. We were all so worried. Where is Rose - is she okay?" Suzanna asked. Tristan hesitated, immediately feeling the familiar surge of panic for Rose rise up in him. The past few days had been torture; having to leave the forest knowing that Rose was still in danger. Knowing that William was with her and would try to free her only just made the pain bearable.

"Oh Suzy," Tristan said slowly, shaking his head miserably. Suzanna's eyes darkened with worry.

"What? What is it? Did something bad happen to Rose? Oh God, tell me she was not gravely harmed. Wh-"

"Suzanna!" Tristan interrupted, before his sister could release a flood of words. "Rose is still in captivity; I was not able to free her. But she is alive." He stared at the ground, shamefaced from his failure. Suzanna gave a quiet gasp.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"The man who took her, Eliad, knew we were coming. He outsmarted us - he outsmarted me. I had to leave the forest, otherwise Eliad would have known I was still there. He could have harmed Rose - I left to protect her," Tristan murmured dismally. He may have protected her, but it did not mean he did not feel like the largest failure on the earth. "One of my knights stayed behind in secret; he will try to rescue Rose by himself."

Suzanna looked at him sorrowfully. "Such a tragedy, I was sure she would be home soon. She must be so afraid," Suzanna whispered. "Are you okay?" She finally asked, raising her eyebrows.

Tristan shook his head. "Not in the least. I miss her so much - it feels like it has been months without her."

For once, Suzanna did not have anything to say. She stood quietly with her hand resting gently on Tristan's shoulder - the only support she could offer.

"I am sorry, Tristan. You will rescue her soon; I do not doubt it. You are the most determined and the bravest man I know - do not lose hope."

Tristan smiled at her but could not find the words to say.

"Will you be leaving before Father arrives?" Tristan eventually asked Suzanna. She shook her head in response.

"Nay, I think I should stay for this. Perhaps I can be of assistance if things turn... bad," she finished lamely.

"He is furious then?"

"He is r-" Suzanna was cut off before she could finish her sentence by the bang of the throne room doors being swung open aggressively. The King stormed in, his footsteps like thunder and eyes like daggers.

"Have you lost your mind?" The King nearly yelled. The servants and guards in the room scrambled to leave and close the doors. Tristan flinched at his father's aggressive tone. He had scarcely opened his mouth before the King continued. "Going off to chase after a servant girl in the dead of the night! What on earth were you thinking? You did not even pause to seek my advice on the matter. I have half a mind to strip you of your knighthood this moment," he fumed, his voice seeming to raise in volume with every word. Suzanna glanced at Tristan with wide eyes.

"I was merely doing my knightly dut-"

"You were looking to play the hero, and you know it!" The King interrupted with a roar.

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