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I had been forced to introduce Charlie to step two after the mall. Even after I convinced him he was nothing like a monster, I had the feeling he still didn't take my answer and explanations as valid. So step two had been introduced.

"Human behavior," I told him. "Now that you know a little about everything regarding a normal home and some basic facts about humans courtesies, it's time you learn about the important things humans do and say that makes us the most complicated and complex specie on Earth."

Charlie was sat on my couch as usual, with me sitting across from him in my chaise lounge. This was unofficially the official place where we sat down and I fed him all the information he needed. He liked my living room a lot, it was close to the kitchen and I was usually there. He didn't like being alone yet.

"The first thing you need to know is that all of these rules are what we call a rule of thumb," I explained, looking at the concentrated Charlie who was listening closely. "Meaning that these rules do not always apply to everyone, but vary depending on the person. With me so far?"

"Rule of thumb," Charlie repeated, looking down and flexing his two thumbs as if they held the answers. "Why do they call it that?"

If I ransacked my brain, I probably knew the answer to that, but it was unimportant for him to know right now. "We can discuss that later. What we need to focus on right now is teaching you about some human behaviors. Starting off with things that humans say."

Charlie lifted his glowing magenta eyes to me again, listening. "What does the humans say?"

I had to bite my lip. I suddenly remembered one of the songs from my grandparents childhood, a silly tune called 'What Does The Fox Say'. The way he said it almost sounded similar to how the chorus went in the song. "Uh... let's start out with handshakes. As you know, when humans meet each other for the first time or just in general, they start off by saying 'hello', 'hi' or 'hey'. With that, they usually pair it with what we call a handshake, a way of accepting the other person."

"A bonding ritual?"

Okay, maybe that was a little bit of a dramatic way of putting it, but in a way it was a bonding ritual. "Yes. They do it by each sticking out their right hand out, like so..." I held out my hand which he then stared at. "And then the other person takes it and shakes it."

Charlie looked at it for another moment, then down at his own hand, then back at mine. "Do I have to... take it now?"

We needed to get over his intimacy issues at some point. He didn't like to touch or be touched, and I had a hunch it had something to do with him not wanting to hurt anyone. But he couldn't keep it up forever, at some point he would have to take a risk. And what could be more harmless than a handshake?

"Yes," I said to answer his question. "You have to take my hand and shake it. Use your right hand."

Swallowing loudly in my quiet living room, he slowly stretched his right hand out to me, so slowly it was as if an hour passed before our hands finally connected.

The moment his large hand curled around mine, I felt heat spread throughout my entire body. My heart started hammering and I could hear my blood rushing in my ears as I shook his hand gently, feeling every soft surface of his palm against my own.

The handshake lasted three seconds, then he abruptly let go again and drew his hand back at the same time he exhaled a held breath. I noticed he was shaking now, as if the act of merely shaking my hand had taken a giant effort from him. Didn't show that when he braided fingers with you the other day.

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