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If Creature ever became a movie, articulateme has officially depicted my dream scenario with this here cover. Above and beyond, thank you, love. Fuck, I could goddamn kiss you. And Hollywood, if you're reading, hit me up and let's make this happen

The tears in my eyes rolled down my cheeks. These past few weeks all I had been doing was crying, but this time it was different. Everything was different.

Standing in the hallway of my own home had never felt so great before. Seeing my old furniture, the yellow walls and dingy curtains I for years had told myself I would change, I couldn't care less, because they were mine. And this was my home.

And soon to be Charlie's.

The tears that rolled down my cheeks and down to my chin were happy. I couldn't believe it really went through, the contract, the agreement, everything. It all seemed too good to be real, yet... it was. We had spent one last week in the lab, negotiating, bargaining and agreeing on everything, until both parties were satisfied. It took a lot of strain, but eventually it happened; We agreed and signed.

Charlie was coming home to me later today, after getting the surgery that was going to remove his death-chip and replace it with a tracker. I had already gotten mine, being a small injection in my arm. If we tried to remove it, their sensors would go off.

But I was fine living under surveillance the rest of my life if it meant living a full one with Charlie by my side. And our baby.

For the first time since I discovered I was pregnant, I looked down and slowly lifted my hand to my stomach. I obviously wasn't showing yet, but... it was in there. Kicking about.

Another tear fell from my eye. Damn it, I needed to grow some thicker skin. If I was going to be this hormonal all throughout my pregnancy, I was going to end up being intolerable and dehydrated.

Sighing, I slowly ascended my staircase, pausing as I made it to the top. Charlie's door was wide open and everything was exactly how we left it. The sheets were in a rumple, clothes were scattered, and the door handle on the door was broken. We would have to get that fixed.

Deciding that I didn't want Charlie coming home to this, I started gathering the sheets, talking them off and throwing them in the hamper. I laid out fresh sheets and made the bed, throwing on a plaid cover I hoped he would like.

But then as I turned around, my eyes fell to the picture frame of us. I stopped up and remembered what Charlie had told me. How he told me he had hidden a letter in there.

Swallowing an emotional lump, I slowly reached for the photo and took off the back. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw the letter, neatly folded up with the words 'To My Beautiful Carly' written cursively on the front. I willed myself not to cry again.

Taking a seat, I sat down on the newly made bed and opened the letter. It took everything inside me to keep my hands from shaking as I read it;

My beautiful Carly,

I don't know when you're going to find this letter, but I hope that when you do, you're safe and sound, and that our child is happy and healthy. If you're reading this, I'm most likely not there with you, meaning everything happened like I expected it to. I knew they were never going to let me out again after our time together, and that's why I left a piece of me with you. The moment I fell in love with you, I knew I wanted you to carry my babies. I just wish I could've been there to raise them with you and watch them grow as beautiful and as smart as you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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