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Kuro Tachibana

Age: 18                                Race: Dark Angel                        Status: Alive

Height: 5'4                          Birthday: June 27th                      Zodiac: Cancer

Hobbies: Sketching, Cycling, training and cooking

Family: Lindo Tachibana ( Adopted brother)

                Ritsuka Tachibana ( Adopted sister) ( and the rest of their family)

Hair: Black with red at the end. (messy and short)      Eye: Black

Tarot card: Death

Occupation: Student

Affiliation: Shikō Academy

Angel Form: Has two pitch black wings and her eyes( and hair) change to purple.

Normal attire: She wears the male uniform of the Shikō Academy which consists of a blue blazer with the badge of the Shikō Academy and a white dress shirt (which is unbuttoned at the top and untucked) underneath along with a matching blue tie. She wears navy blue pants and black dress shoes.

Personality: Sarcastic, sassy, confident, and a lone wolf ( of sorts). She has a temper ( when her temper is flared her eyes change to purple)

Kuro doesn't actually know what its like in Heaven as she was born as a Dark angel. ( They are rare) Dark angels are well known for causing trouble so for this she was forced out and was found by the Tachibana family.

Shi no ōkami: Kuro Tachibana. ( Dance with Devils)Where stories live. Discover now