1 year later

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One year had passed and I was in my room getting dressed. Pulling the gloves on I walked downstairs, Grandpa was waiting. Lindo and Ritsuka were asleep and we were living with Grandpa. ( roll with it please) " I'm off." Grandpa looked up and nodded, " Don't forget we need that picture." I nodded,bringing my wings out and walking out to the back, I pulled my shoes on. My eyes were now purple and my hair had gained purple highlights and grew longer. " The letter was sent right?" I asked. Grandpa nodded, " Good luck. Phantom Thief." I smirked that was my name at night. Time to be off.

Stealing the picture was a piece of cake. I handed the picture over to Grandpa and my eyes changed back to normal along with my hair. I stretched and went upstairs to bed. I made my wings disappear and I went to bed. Wondering when the four boys would comeback.

My life as a thief had started when Grandpa had exclaimed. Dark Angels were born to start trouble, that was true. But when they were cast out they became thieves. All Dark Angels were known as the Phantom Thief and said thief was back. After 1000 years. Tomorrow night I was targeting an ancient book.

It was powerful and dangerous so I had to be quick in getting it. That was when my thought drifted to  certain purple haired fallen angel, sighing I shook my head and turned on my side. And sleep welcomed me, after another successful mission.

I got up and dressed getting on my bike and riding to college. And as usual I got boys around me in the first hour of college. I ignored them as I only had eyes on one man, one that might not be coming back.  News of The Phantom Thief spread, this person called Dark stealing artefacts was really good, apparently to everyone who was talking about it. I smirked, and leaned my head on my hand and looked out the window sighing as time passed by.

Shi no ōkami: Kuro Tachibana. ( Dance with Devils)Where stories live. Discover now