Chapter Three

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I shoved my textbooks that I needed for my homework into my backpack and locked my locker door. Slinging my backpack onto my back I made my way steadily out of the Literature and History building and out into the quad... the very quad that the bad boy talked to me and where I fainted.

I sighed, making my way to the front of the school and onto the sidewalk. Today was a very long day, when I'd gone to English Lit. and saw Colten he'd patted the desk seat next to him and made eye contact with me.
Feeling all eyes on me as I made my way to the back of the room, I kept my head low to hide my blush.

"Ali! Wait up!!" a voice called to me. Colten. Why did he still notice me and go out of his way to talk to me?

I turned slowly around to face him, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face.

He now stood in front of me, looking down into my eyes as he ran a hand threw his disheveled hair.

"Hey," he smirked, obviously enjoying his effect on me. My hands were clammy and my heartbeat was impossibly fast.

"Uh, h-hi." I mentally smacked myself. My stutter was obviously kicking in around him.
I tried to act cool as I started walking again, Colten walking beside me.

"Your cute when you stutter, y'know that?" he asked suddenly. My heart quite literally stopped then restarted.

"Huh?" I placed a hand over my heart before removing it quickly and forcing myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

"Your cute when you stutter." he stated.

"Uh, th-thanks...?" I looked down, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot.

He chuckled his deep chuckle that made my knees turn to jelly. "Your welcome,"

"Whyareyouwalkingwithme?" I asked quickly. But since I said it so fast it came out mushed together.

"Can you repeat that?"

"Why are you walking with me?" I repeated, much slower, happy that my stutter receded.

He shrugged. "Because I want to and I don't want you to walk alone."

My heart seemed to melt all over again. Why did he have this affect on me? It was just a crush.

I nodded as if I understood even though I didn't.

"So, how far from school do you live?" he questioned.

"Close enough that they won't let me take the bus..." I mumbled, still looking down as we walked on the sidewalk.

The sun still shone but was slowly sinking into the trees behind the school, and I felt Colten tense up.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, looking up at his face as his eyes searched for something.

"We better hurry up, is it usually like this when you walk?" he grabbed my wrist and sped up our walking, it felt like electricity was suddenly flowing threw me and making me feel so much more alive when he touched me.

"Uh, uh, ya it's always like, um, this." I tried and failed to form a coherent sentence. If Colten felt the sparks of electricity, he didn't let on.

When we got to the main gates of my parent's mansion, I stopped and pulled out my keys. Colten looked surprised.

"You live in the Gracefeild Mansion?"he stopped beside me.

I nodded feebly, not daring to look up. How my family had gotten the mansion was no secret, everyone knew how and I never dared to tell anyone I was living there.

"That's... cool." he stated. I glanced up at him in surprise.

"Don't-don't you know the story?" I stuttered, already afraid of losing him.

"Ya, sure, everyone does." he shrugged. "But I'm guessing your nothing like your family and would never do what they did for this house. Plus that was about a hundred years ago."

"Oh," I said dumbly opening the gate and letting us in before closing it again.

I led him up the cobblestone path up to the front door, where I also had to pull out a key for. Stepping into the house Miranda, one of the many maids, greeted us.

"Hello, Alice!" she greeted. "Who's this handsome young man?"

"Miranda, this is Colten, Colten this is Miranda." I introduced. Colten smiled and stuck out his hand, I could practically see Miranda's heart beating happily.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Colten said as he bent over and kissed Miranda's hand. I felt a spike of jealousy even though Miranda was old enough to be my mother.

"Nice to meet you, too, Colten." Miranda's smile was radiant.

"Are my parents home?" I asked, as Colten returned to my side.

Miranda got a sad glint in her bright brown eyes. "No, dear, they just left for their trip to the Bahamas."

"Oh," I looked down, feeling tears prick in my eyes. I pushed them down and looked up again. "When's dinner? Am I cooking tonight?"

"No, no, no, your mother said to never let you cook for us again."

"Screw her," I ran a hand threw my tousled hair.

"Watch it, Alice-mae," She scolded.

"Sorry, Miranda," I glanced at Colten. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"I don't think I can," his gaze slid to the door. "But I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Ya," I nodded.

"Then see ya tomorrow, thanks for the invite to dinner." he placed a kiss on my forehead, causing my heart to stop and him to smirk at my reaction, before he waved to Miranda and went out the door.
A/N third chapter done!!! Whoa hoo!! I'm so happy!! I have such a good idea for the next chapter!!
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