Chapter Twenty

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Later that night, I was back at the mansion. Colt had driven me there after Chloe and him had spent the remainder of the afternoon with me at the mall.

"You sure you're okay with staying here?" Colt asked uneasily.

"Im sure, relax, Colt, my mother probably isn't even here," I tried to reassure him.

"Okay, but call if you need anything," he pecked my forehead, I got out of the car and walked up to the gates, unlocking them and going inside the mansion.

"Alice-Mae!" Miranda practically squealed as she ran to hug me, "Where have you been?"

"Around," I shrugged, my eyes scanning the hallway.

"By around you mean at Chloe's?" she laughed, before she became serious, "Quick as a bunny, Alice-Mae, run to your room, before Tom catches you."

I nodded, "Good idea, call me down when you need help with dinner."

She shook her head, "Ill bring it up to you, Tom was pissed, dear."

Again, I nodded, "Thanks, Miranda, I just feel bad that I just up and left..."

"Its alright, hun, we understand," she smiled, "Now, hurry, don't want dear ol' Tom to catch you."

I smiled shyly before running to the stairs and racing up them, making little to no sound. When I made it up to my room, I flung the door open, before locking it behind me. I changed out of Chloe's yoga pants and old t-shirt and changed into my own shorts and tank top.

Before I could lay down though, my phone burst to life. Scaring the shit out of me.

"Uh, Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Ali, I just had to make sure you were all right," Colt's soothing voice rang clear through the line.

"I made it," I said softly, "Colt, do you know if I can talk to the officer thats on my case?"

"You can, in fact your going to go talk with her tomorrow, before our date of course."

"Really? Now I have two things to look forward to," I bit my lip wearily, pretty sure I didn't want to speak with the cop bit knowing that I had to. I just wanted Colt here, now. I wanted to feel his arms around me instead of the creepy Mr. Solons who wouldn't leave my thoughts.

"Is that sarcasm, I sense?" He chuckled, "My dear Ali, using sarcasm?"

"Yes, I can be a normal teenager too," I insisted, my voice weak despite my tough words.

"I know," he sighed,"I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Colt," I whispered softly.

"I love you, I have to go," he whispered, equally as soft.

"Love you, Colten, Will you come with me to the police station or wherever Im supposed to meet the officer?"

"I wouldn't miss it," he said before saying his quick goodbye.

I sat on my bed, longing for Colt to be here to protect me, but I couldn't rely on him forever. Miranda, as promised, delivered my supper, I ate quickly, dodging her questions if what was wrong.

I knew one thing for sure though, tomorrow would be a hectic day, but Chloe and Colt would be there for me, I knew it. I said a couple prayers to whatever God made time to listen to and closed my eyes.


Kinda a short chapter...or it seems like it, everything seems so long on my iPod but then if I look at it on my computer (which is barely ever working) its alway so short! Sorry, excuse my senseless rambling...
Maybe Ill update tomorrow...I dunno...
Morgiebug <3<3
P.S. not edited!

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