Chapter Twenty-One

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The next morning I had difficulty waking up, only because it was a Sunday and I'd had a late night...

I yawned turning on my side, making sure to throw the covers over my head, before I was startled into awareness by my 'lovely' cell phone. Note my sarcasm.

"I'm sexy and I know!" it blared, damn. That was the ring tone Colt had chosen.

I grasped the annoying phone in my left hand an blearily answered, "Ello?"

My voice was small and cracking, but Colt's wide awake voice jolted some energy into me.

"Where are you? I texted you a half an hour ago, Ali, we need to get going."

"Shit!" I cursed softly, springing up from my warm, comfy bed. I had fallen back to sleep after his text, and after Id replied 'sure', "Ill be out in a minute, let me get dressed!"

He chuckled, "Okay, one minute, Short Stuff."

I cursed him and hung up, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and a flowy blouse, completely unaware that I had no recollection of buying this outfit. I shimmied out of my pjs and raced to the en suite bathroom, thus taking the fastest shower in history.

By the time I was dressed and ready, my minute was up, but I had gotten ready in a mere five minutes which was impressive. I took my brush with me as I raced down the stairs barefoot, slipped on my flip flops and secured my phone in my pocket.

Colt greeted me by opening the truck door for me, I buckled up and slammed it closed.

"Morning, Flash," he smirked, pulling away from my road and into oncoming traffic.

I rolled my eyes, trying to catch my breath, Colt gave me a double glance.

"Ive never seen that outfit," he commented.

"I haven't either," I muttered, "I think its Chloe's but Im not sure..."

"Uh, okay, well, your hair is a mess," he pulled out a comb from his glove box, handing it to me. I took it gladly and put down the visor, quickly running it through my hair.

"Thank you," I handed it back to him, he smirked again, "What?"

"You sound hungry," he said as my stomach rumbled.

"Ugh," I sighed, "I am."

"We can stop by Subway," he suggested.

"That'd be great," I smiled, watching as he changed lanes, "What time do we have to meet the officer?"

He glanced at the radio, "Around ten, but we have a couple minutes to get food," he shrugged.

"Oh," I nodded, "Hurry up."

He chuckled, "Gee, your feisty in the mornings."

I huffed out a sigh, before turning on the radio. I flipped through the channels, before I found the Classic Rock station and heard them playing 'Girls, Girls, Girls' by Mötley Crüe.

Colt eyed me, "I never picked you for a Classic Rock girl, I mean Classical but not Rock."

I smiled, "Most people don't, but its my favorite."

"Good to know," he pulled the truck into Subways parking and hopped out, gesturing me to do the same. I did, we ran up to the door, which he held open for me.

We were helped right away and were soon on the road, I chowed down, chugging the sprite down. I hiccuped, realizing that l had eaten the food way to quickly and I drank to quickly too. I now would have hiccups throughout the day.


Colt glanced at me, "You need some water?"

I shook my head, knowing that it wouldn't work, "Nah, *hic* it wont help."

"Okay," he pulled into the Police Station, "We're here, you done eating?"

I nodded, my nerves starting to overcome me suddenly. My hands began to sweat as I let out a shaky hiccup.

"Hey," Colt cups my shaking hands, "Im here for you, Ali, do you want me to walk you in?"

"Y-yes p-please," my stutter appeared.

He nodded, getting out of the truck and coming around to open my door, "This a way, milady."

I took his awaiting hand with my unpleasantly sweaty one and let him lead me into the station.

The lady at the desk looked up, her glasses sliding down her nose. Her name plaque declared that she was Ms. Higgins.

"How may I help you," she directed her question at Colt, her eyes wandering to me as I bridged into a near nervous breakdown. Colt's thumb worked soothing circles on the back of my hand.

"Hello, we're here to see Detective Anne Rose," Colt insisted, "This is Alice-Mae Summer Rose."

"Ah, Ill page Anne, but you'll have to stay here..."

"My names Colten," Colt supplied.

"Colten, you'll have to stay here," the elderly Ms. Higgins stated.

Colt glanced at me as I stared at the bland floor, my breathing shallow.

"Is she okay? Does she need an ambulance?"

Colt ignored her, taking my face between his calloused hands and making me look into his eyes, "Its alright, Ali, your fine, okay?"

I nodded, my eyes wavering to glance at Ms. Higgins. *hic*

Colt leaned forward and kissed me, it was short and sweet. Ms. Higgins cleared her throat, "No PDA."

Colt smirked like the bad boy he was, "Why not? Theres nothing wrong with displays of affection."

"There is here, go sit down, Detective Anne will be out in a minute."

Colt took my hand once again and led me over to what looked almost like a waiting area, except it had desks. He sat down on one of the few couches and pulled me into his lap, I laid my head on his chest and felt my heart start to go back to a steady pace, well almost. Colt still had the affect of making me breathless.

With his arms around me, I felt like I could tackle the world, he made me feel so safe. I placed one of my hands on his and let out a sigh, along with a hiccup.

"Colt?" I murmured.

"Yea, Ali?" he said quietly.

"I don't want to talk to Anne alone," I insisted, my fingers interlacing with his.

"I know," he let out a breath, "But sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to do."

"What don't you want to do?" I wondered.

"Well, I don't want to go to work after this, and I most certainly don't want to go back to school, or do any of my homework," he breathed, "But I have to."

I nodded, "Yea, you do."

"Alice-Mae," a lady with bright red hair announced, when I stood slowly she introduced herself, "Im Detective Anne Rose, come with me please."

I glanced at Colt and he gave me a reassuring nod and a smile, I walked with the Detective, who took me to what I supposed was her office.

My heart seemed to go into overdrive at the thought of explaining the details of Mr. Solons and what had happened, but I knew that if he were ever to go to jail and the other girls to be found I would have to step up and say something. I just hoped Id be able to without panicking.

Happy Easter!!:) Im so happy that I updated, no matter how short it is!:);) Hope you like it, vote, comment, follow!
P.S. not edited

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