Chapter Seventeen

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Arriving at the school was honestly nerve racking. What would other people be wearing? Would they be staring at us? I'd never even been to a dance.

When we got out of the car, Colt held my hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand. We entered the school gym, amazingly though, barely anyone glanced at us. I let out a relieved sigh, finally able to loosen up.

"You nervous?" he asked, leading me over to the punch table.

"Not as much as I was a minute ago," I reached for a cup full of punch, he grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Don't drink that, its spiked," he insisted sheepishly, taking his hand away.

"Oh,"I replied, putting my hand back down at my side, "How do you know?"

"Because the guys do it very year," he shrugged, "You, uh,want to dance?"

The song playing was 'crazy girl' by the Eli Young Band, I shrugged my shoulders, before letting him pull me out onto the dance floor.

"I cant really dance," I whispered, standing on my tiptoes so that I could reach his ear. His hands moved to my hips, as he slowly began to sway me along to the beat. I gently placed my hands on his broad shoulders, with what felt like a zoo attacking my guts.

"Thats okay, your doing fine," his dark eyes met mine.

I blushed, trying to ignore the stamped in my stomach as we swayed to and fro. He smiled at me, a real smile, it was beautiful on him. Despite my nerves, I grinned.

Suddenly though, his eyes darted to something behind me. Colt spun me around, so that I was behind him, thats when I spotted the problem.

Jason and Fitch Kentwood were walking towards us, or more like strutting. Colt tensed as they came closer.

"Colten," greeted Fitch with a sly smirk on his face, "Who's the lovely girl you decided to bring out?"

"None of your business, Fitch," Colt gritted out, his hands tightening into fists.

"No need to get protective, Colten, its a harmless question," Jason's bright eyes were on me, watching every move I made. I shivered and leaned into Colt more, trying to become more invisible.

"Why don't you guys just walk away," Colt more suggested then asked.

"Because we need to talk to you, Zach told us to come get you," Fitch looked towards me, I ducked my head back down. Who was Zach? We didn't have a Zach in our school.

"He's here?" Colt asked, seeming surprised.

"Yea, and he needs to know why your not working," Jason came around Colt to look at me, I held on tight to Colt, I was scared but I wasn't sure why. They creeped me out majorly.

"I'll talk with you guys later," Colt insisted, "Let me be alone with my girl."

My girl.

He called me his girl! My mind went into overdrive, my heart fluttered, and the zoo in my stomach turned into the battlefield of WW1. I didn't hear what the guys said, but they left, this leaving me with Colt, who turned to me and places his hands lightly on my shoulders.

"Ali," he spoke softly, "Ill be right back, okay? Don't drink the punch an don't wander around, stay right here, 'kay?"

I smiled dreamily up at him, my heart bursting with joy, even though my words said differently, "Why? Where are you going?"

"I have to go talk to this guy, I promise Ill be back," his eyes pleaded me to understand.

"Why cant you talk to him later?" I knew I sounded like a shallow bitch or something, but I couldn't help it.

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