Chapter 6; Difference Is Change. Pain Is Pain.

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Chapter 6: (edited)

I woke up with a little nausea today and to be honest it sucks big time. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I walked downstairs and got going with breakfast. When I was done. I placed everything in a tray and took it to my mom's bedroom.

Opening the door, she Sat down looking out her window. I knocked getting her attention. She smiled and lured me in.

"it's been a while. I miss the outside." she sighed. I wish I could tell her she would one day go, but then again I'd be making empty promises.

"we all do, but the best you can do now is admire it and imagine the day you can go outside again." I said as poured the tea in the cup, handing it to her.

She took it with a smile. "thank you"  she said. "you're right, the best I can do is admire it until my time is up." she realized.

"mom, don't say that. Your time isn't anytime soon, you're alive and well and I hope you're alive and well for a very long time." I hoped.

"I must be a burden on you, being bedridden and not being able to help you, it's okay to be mad at me, It is after all my fault you were forced to-" I cut her off.

"you've said enough mother."i said as I continued to fix her food on the plate. I do t like talking about my past and I won't like it ever.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started" she looked sad.

"mom, no matter what, don't ever think you being is sick is what made me make my decision. I made my decision because I wanted to. " I said and smiled her. "you mom, are the best thing I've ever had, and I'd never replace you, ever." I said to her.

"you should go there once more" she requested.

"I'll go, but not now" I said to get honestly.

"okay" she dropped the topic as we sat together having breakfast.

Slipping on my shoes I yelled out to my mom about my departure and headed out the door getting ready for work.

I walked to the alphas mansion and took a deep breath before actually stepping in. I walked in smoothly. Earlier I had sprayed an entire bottle of perfume on myself to cover my baby's scent, as for the Heartbeat it's still Faint, and can only be heard when listening carefully, so I'm safe for now.

I began doing my work not saying a word to the other maids, not smiling a bit. I was upset and being here makes me sick. I went up to the alphas room. Knowing he was not there, I walked in and began doing my work, soon the door opened and the devil himself walked in. He glared at me before Lilly trusted in after him.

"what is this, doing here?" she registered to me. My face held the same expression.

"I was just leaving." I said monotone. Honestly even to me my words were like ice, like they held no emotion at all.

"You still have the guts to show yourself after your accusation against my mate." she glared "you really are shameful. No wonder why daddy left." that just snapped me. I turned to her in an instant and I held her by the collar, choking her.

Mt eyes turned deadly and that's all to it really, there's 3 things I won't tolerate, one words against my mom, two my past and three my unborn child.

"you better watch what you say, for you will regret ever saying anything. " I said darkly. She shook in fear and nodded agreeing with me.

I grabbed my broom and walked out the room, I looked towards alpha and noticed his expression, but I could look long enough to make out what it was.

Walking down the stairs I continued to finish all the work, then alphas youngest sister walked in groaning. I've met her a few times and let me tell you she's another story, aged probably the only person part of the alphas family who is quite open. And mostly speaks to me. But today was different. She cast me a nasty look and walked up the stairs. Well, I don't care.

The day was nearing end and the people whom I thought I was close to, felt distant. Well that's reality. I walked out, saying goodbye and down the street. It began raining, but that didn't matter.

I walked down the side walk and not looking where  I was going I tripped and began falling over. But someone caught my arm, and to be honest I was grateful. I looked up to see golden eyes and a small smile.

"are you okay?" the man asked, and right in this moment I wanted to fall to my knees. This feeling, I feel like I've seen him before, Who is he? Why do I feel as if I know him?


Oh! Oh! Oh! Who I'd this man?!? I wanna know too! So until the next update of The Tales Of A Pregnant And Rejected Luna.

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