Chapter 17; Painful Truth

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Chapter 17:

"I said, I did it for you." I stated at him, I started at him through his eyes. There's no way, no reason. There can't be.

"Reese, please, you've done so much harm, just please, stop." I begged him.

He looked at me, a sad expression taking over his face, "Please let me at least try and explain. Please?" he said.

I kept quiet for a moment. Should I allow him to tell me? Would it be lies, or would he really be genuine this time? Should I risk it?

I started at him, looking for one slip up, "Fine, but not here, let's head back to my apartment." I said, as I caught a glimpse of something behind him.

We walked back to my apartment and boy, were we far from it. When we got there, I put the kettle on, preparing some tea for us.

I handed him a cup and sat on the opposite chair. "Okay, you can explain." I said. Hoping that it would be valid, hoping he'd had a concrete reason into rejecting me. But what could be so bad that I'd get rejected?

"Your dad threatened me." he said. When those words left his mouth, I couldn't believe it. No it can't be, he can't... He doesn't....

"What did he say?" I asked him, trying  to keep my cool.

"Well let me explain what has happened. The night of our intercourse."


Reese's Pov (A birthday with regretting.)

"Alpha, there's a party tonight, and guess what, you're invited. And the person hosting this birthday party is the betas daughter." my best pal Daniel said.

"I'm not in the mood for a party, with all the pack stuff going on, I don't think I'll have enough time for any of that."

He pouted and pulled a long face. "You're such a party pooper." he yelled acting like a five year old. I chuckled at his reaction.

The rest of the afternoon he had bugged me and bugged me and bugged, and God was this getting annoying.

"Fine! I'll go! But please shut up for the rest of the day.!" I said tired. To be honest I haven't slept in two days due to the alpha work and amount of patrolling we have. But to be strong you gotta sacrifice some things right?

Later that night, we had actually attended that party and God even the host wasn't here, and the party was going on. My wolf began stirring, happily might I add.

Not knowing what's the matter I walked down the stairs only be slapped in the face with the most amazing scent. She's here, the one and only, my beloved.

My mate.

I began searching through the crowd of people, for her, for mine. I've waited enough to get her, and I finally found her. When we came into contact, she let out a sigh, from her pink luscious lips. Age parted them as she uttered.

"Alpha." and that voice I'd know it anywhere. This voice belonged to none other than Colleen Anderson. The girl everyone I'd know to love, because of her looks, though she seems oblivious to it.

"I've been waiting for you." I whispered in her ear, getting her to shiver to my voice. This was it. I was getting my mate I was going to complete the mating process, mark her and allow her to bear my pups.

"y-you can't be, how? " she questioned confused. She was really something.

"I guess the moon goddess paired us." I mocked. She simply glared at me for a moment.

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