Chapter 7; Past Brought Back. Part 1

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Chapter 7: (edited)

I stared the man before me. He was indeed beautiful. But where had I seen him before? I know I've seen him somewhere.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he questioned. I nodded, as I lay my hand on my stomach. He wouldn't know though.

He looked confused and lost, as well as tired. I looked at him once more and stared at his face expression.

"Is something the matter?" I questioned him. He tuned to me and smiled.

"No nothing, I hope to see you soon... "he slowed down.

" Colleen" I said. He nodded smiling.

"Yes, Colleen" he walked off waving goodbye, well that was it. I shook my head heading home. I got in the bus and rode in silence. My earphones plugged in my ears and the only sound my baby's heart beat, with no music, just the silence, of the little budum.

The bus stopped and I walked the way home, getting home, I checked in mother like always. There she lay down a book In her hand. I took the book putting it on the side table, switching off the lamplight.

I then walked to the kitchen preparing something to eat. I was starting and I can't explain how painful hunger feels. I quickly pulled out some of last night's leftovers and heated it in the microwave.

The microwaved beeped and I opened it taking out my hot and steamy plate of food. I sat at the counter on one of the barstools and began eating. I don't know why but my mind kept drifting off to an earlier. I don't know why but I get the feeling I know him, which is very strange.

I washed my dishes and headed straight for bed. Lying down on my right side, I listened carefully as my babies Heartbeat sounded in my ears. The sound was a melody in my ears. I began thinking about the future, about what ifs.

What if alpha had not Rejected me, would I be happy?

Funny how I refer to him as alpha, cause I never heard his name, only once and I can't remember. no one spoke much about him. He was just the alpha. But there were stories of him being cold hearted and cunning, him being bad and ruthless and mostly merciless. But the question that struck me was, why? Why was he seen as such?

I let my self think of an answer but nothing came to mind but slowly I was drifting off to sleep, and I was brought into a world of warm comforting darkness.

The next morning I hurried myself to get to work on time, I had woken up late due to my stupid half broken alarm. I rushed out the door towards the bus,I lily I hot in there in time, I sat down and waited impatiently to get to work. The alphas house stood proudly, if there's a place I would rather not be, it would be here, forever and always. I loathe anything that is related to him.

I got to work and began cleaning, I cleaned the kitchen first today since a few of our staff had gone on leave for a while. The a diffusing smell made its way through my senses, and I gagged, I had and urge to throw up, hurried I ran up the stairs and head to the nearest bathroom. I opened it and let my guts out and it wasn't stopping anytime soon. I felt a soothing touch on my back rubbing up and down but I couldn't and won't see who it was, but I recognized the voice anywhere.

"Are you okay? " the deep voice asked, belonging to none other than alpha himself.

I pushed back my hair and rinsed my mouth by the small sink near the toilet. I sat down, my back against the bathroom wall.

"I'm fine." I said breathlessly.

"Are you sure?" he questioned. Who the he'll is he to act concerned.

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped. "Remember, you don't care, so stop acting like you care all of a sudden" I said harshly, His eyes turned black in anger. Well I got myself into this.

"Reese!" I heard his name being called out. Lillian made her way in the bathroom and looked at me in disgust, I shook my head at her and her childish behavior.

"Go home for today, I don't need to straining yourself, then blaming me fir any illness caused to you" he said bluntly. Once a monster always a monster, once a villian always a villain, but once a mate always a mate.

I looked away from him, gathering myself together. I don't need people like him in my life, I don't. I flushed the toilet leaving the bathroom not sparing a glance.

I walked to the bus stop, luckily a bus came minutes later. I rode it to my street and got off, walking home I looked ahead smiling.

I put my keys into the keyhole, and walked to my mother's bedroom only to see her with company, but this was the man from earlier.

"mom, what's going on?" I questioned, as they both spoke seriously.

To be continued....


Yay chapter 7 part one complete! What do you think is going to happen next?

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