Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I checked the time on my phone again and tried to keep from groaning.

This was the first day of class and I was going to be late. Of course. Because this year absolutely needed to go as well as the last.

I took a longer drag from my cigarette and then stomped it in the ash tray by the front door of the building and quicken my steps a bit.

I wouldn't have been late if I had gone back to my apartment and not stayed at Trish's. Of course I had to go to one of the beginning of the semester party and of course I had to hook up with the host of the event, because I was a swell guy like that and believed that when a girl provided you with a place to party and free alcohol, the gentleman's way to show your appreciation was to fuck her brain's out. If only she could have had the decency to wake me up in the morning.

But ooooh noooo. She had to stay cuddled against me. And when I had finally woken up and freaked and asked why she hadn't woken me up, she had to say that maybe we should just skip class and re-enact last night. Of course, I hadn't had the guts to tell the poor girl that I was too drunk last night to remember what exactly it was I had to re-enact. Of course, I knew the basic, but I was clueless of the exact details.

I was a moron. A late moron.

When I finally reached my classroom, I stopped and stared through the little window. Professor Connor was pacing in front of the classroom, talking energetically. I could do this. I could open the door and find an empty spot and I could listen to the lecture I had already heard last year. I could do this. I could re-do this class and this time I could pass it. This year, I could start taking college seriously.

Yeah right.

I sighed and opened the door. Professor Connor stopped mid sentence and most people turned their heads to see what caused this. I flashed a guilty grin at the professor. "Nik, how nice to see you didn't bail on this class before the first actual lecture," he greeted me. Professor Connor was nice, he was actually the one that had pushed me with this whole re-doing a class thing instead of just abandoning so that helped.

I shrugged. "What can I say, I loved it so much the first time around, and you know how I love dramatic entrances."

He shook his head slightly and went back to pacing. "Take a seat Nik."

"Aye, aye," I answered, saluting him and he went on with his lecture, "As I was saying, for some of you, this is your first class in college..."

I tuned it out and looked around the class. All seats except the ones in the front were taken, and as much as I wanted to do better this semester, I wasn't about to sit in front. I finally spotted an empty chair in the middle of the left row of double desks.

I headed straight for it. There was a girl sitting there, leaning against the wall. As I sat down, I could see her entire body freezing. It amused me. The poor girl looked completely helpless, clutching at her pen like it was her lifeline. Her huge glasses and short haircut just helped making her look more like a scared mouse.

What was also amusing was that she was wearing like four layers of clothes when it was scorching hot outside. She was wearing this huge wool vest and this impossibly long skirt—seriously, I don't think I ever saw a girl wearing a skirt so long that didn't have a top that showed an indecent amount of cleavage. It definitely hid her shoes when she stood up, that's how long it was.

As I flipped my notebook open and took the pen clipped on it, taking off its cap, my eyes caught the cross resting on her chest.

I hoped for her sake she wasn't a Bible thumper. Professor Connor was quick to dismiss any kind of organised religion. She'd probably get offended.

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