Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My best friend Tyler was a weirdo sometimes. Sure, I loved the guy but he was weird.

Like for instance, I didn't know if it was a fear, or a general distaste for alarm clocks, but for the life of me, the guy couldn't have an alarm clock waking him up.

Before, his sister would wake him up every morning before going to school. When she left for college, his father did it.

And now in college, I would wake him up, or Vanessa would.

Tyler Grayson was a very high maintenance dependant little boy.

When we'd first started sharing a room I had pointed out that he could never live alone if he always needed someone to wake him up. He had explained to me that he could do it on his own but he needed to set the alarm clock like two hours before he actually needed to get up because he didn't have the will to get out of bed on his own. He thought that the best way to actually wake up was to let nature do its thing and to wake up when your body wanted it to.

So when the alarm on my phone woke me that morning, I threw one of my pillows in Tyler's face and said, "Wake up, bitch."

"Not right away, my dearest step father," Tyler grumbled. That was a talent. He managed to be a sassy motherfucker half awake.

Before I had to get out of bed and shake him awake, Vanessa walked into our room.

"Oh hey wow, look who's in his bed," she said and threw herself beside Tyler on his bed.

"Ha, ha, very funny, sarcasm. Just brilliant, really. Why are you even here? I told you yesterday that I would be there to wake Sleeping Beauty up," I told her, sitting up and rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

"Ah, but see, you said you would be there the other night and you weren't and Tyler got late to class, so clearly we can't trust you," she told me, stroking her boyfriend's hair.

"This is ridiculous," I groaned and let myself fall back on my pillow before hiding my head under my covers.

"Oh hey Nik, you're here," Tyler said, his voice still groggy from sleep. Motherfucker...

I pulled the covers off my face and sighed loudly. "Yes, I am here. I got here last night when you were there. I was still there when you both texted on our group in the middle of the night. I was there when you woke me up later to ask me to check your pulse and tell you if you were having a heart attack or not," I ranted.

"Heart attacks for young athletic people are getting more and more common you know."


Tyler made some kind of whimpering sound and hid his face under Van's hair. "Jeez, no need to yell." Wuss.


"Noooooo," he drawled.

"Then you are not having a heart attack. Your heart is fine." Goddamn hypochondriac. I should really finish med school to be Tyler Grayson's personal doctor and just follow him around telling him, no Sir, you are not dying.

"I'll bet you'll feel like an idiot after I die and they find some kind of heart defect."

"OH MY GOD!"I threw my hands up, "I brought you to the hospital two months ago for a whole check-up. You're in perfect health."

Tyler snorted, being a sassy little bitch. "That's what people who are about to die think."

I got out of bed and threw sweatpants and a t-shirt on. "I am not dealing with your nonsense in the morning when I haven't had my coffee yet."

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