Chapter 14

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I wake up, my mom yelling at me that I need to go to school. She doesn't know what happened yesterday and if she did she would have made me stay in my room forever.

I put on a pair of leggings and a T-shirt. I really pray whoever it was yesterday stays quiet about my predicament. I hope my parents and Karen have told enough people the truth about what happened between me, Logan and Scar that no one at school will mention anything.

I throw up my grey silvery strands, running my hands through the silky texture. I sigh staring into the mirror at my grey sleepy eyes and pale skin. Last night I was so sleepy I don't even remember falling asleep. I turn and look at my bed, my phone tangled into the sheets.

I gasp at the sight and a flashback from the night before replays through my head.

"I know what you are"

The voice and words ring like an alarm in my ears. I know that voice...but it can't be. Fear pumps my heart to dangerous speeds at realisation and I run over to my phone and scroll through the recent calls. I almost don't believe the name on my screen. But who else could it be. It's her. It's Scar. Scar was the wolf who saw me. She's the person who called me last night and confirmed she knows I'm a black wolf. The prophecy. She's the only one, besides her Grandmother, that knows what that means. I don't even know what it means. What is she going to do with her information? Is she going to tell people? At the thought my heart lurches and my breathing falters.

I'm almost knocked off my feet at this revelation. I have to see her now. I need to know if she hates me so much that she'll ruin my life. I grab my bag and walk out of the house, no one saying anything about it as I pass my whole family. I hope this won't take long, I still need to get to school.

The morning air is cold, it cools off my flaming body. I'm angry at her. I'm angry that she is so furious over something I had no control over. I'm angry she knows about me. She had to have either followed me or found me. Now she's dangling me from a string because she knows my secret.

A fog sets across the grassy ground, every time I take a step towards Scars house the fog lifts and forms around my steps. I'm going to go see Scars Father first, I'm hoping he can tell me about how she's feeling towards me therefore seeing if she'll tell my secret.

I stare determinedly two houses over, her house in sight. I hear someone calling out my name and I almost don't want to stop, the fire inside me fuming. "Eve! Eve!" They call over and over but I keep moving, my steps hard against the ground "Everly stop!" He yells and finally I do and turn to him

He runs over to me and I stare at him "what Logan? What do you want? I thought you weren't supposed to talk, or even be near me" I say loudly

I only notice now a lot of people are running around and most staring at me and Logan "it's Scar" he says ignoring me, his brown eyes worried and frightened. His dirty blonde hair is rugged and messy, skin under this eyes dark. His skin in general looks paler than it usually does, his outfit is throw together and ummatching.

My eyebrows pull together and I frown a little "What about her?" I ask

"She's gone, she's disappeared!" He says running his hand through his hair and pulling roughly

My eyes widen...I don't know if this is good or bad "hold on Logan, what do you mean she's gone?" I ask holding his hands down from pulling at his roots

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